
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

K's, 2's and J's

I love the moments that just "happen". It wasn't a planned "fun night", just Brookie asking me to play slapjack with her. I think one of my sisters taught her, because she knew how to play and I'm not much of a game person so I definitely didn't teach her. Nate was gone for the evening so it was just me and the kids home.

"Ok, we are slapping K's, 2's and J's".

As usual, he wanted to be as involved as possible.

She got this adorable set of cards for Christmas :)

After a little while, we got all crazy with the camera...

Right before a baby comes I usually get frantic about spending time with who is here now, before life drastically changes. Seems I should always make more of an effort to spend more time with my loves--it's a lot of fun!

Wide angle lenses are NOT good for close ups--but it's the only way to get fun shots like this.

Joe was very possessive of his cards. We skipped about 20 turns for him because he just wanted to hold onto them. The reasoning of a 2 year old cannot be understood!
Later on, when  daddy came home, we all played a game with him and then Nate played a few more with the kids. I love the ages my kids are right now--it's easy and fun! In about a month there will be a newborn thrown into the mix so I'm enjoying this time while I can. :)

By the way, Happy February! My January was full of lots of scripture and gospel music and the spirit of our home was so enjoyable. I want to keep the momentum going, but more on that later.

Enjoy your Wednesday!


Deb said...

That game is so much fun!

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