
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Baby #3, Month 9!

Wow. I really cannot believe that I am posting my last post for this pregnancy! It really has gone by very fast and even though I have 4 weeks until my due date, we are so busy and have a lot planned, I know it will go very fast!

I put these together to show comparison of being pregnant with Joe, and now this one...I think I'm a little bigger this time around! I don't know how big this baby is but I hope he's not huge! :) Brookie was 6.15, Joe was 7.8 and I hope this one isn't too much bigger than that.
Rolling over in bed is a monumental task, bathroom trips are every hour to 2 hours at night, my back aches, my feet ache and my shins ache (?--maybe from working out?) so I know that the end is very near and I won't have to feel like this too much longer! :) This week I've had some sort of flu, which I'm having a hard time getting over. I'm just glad to have it now and get it out of the way before the baby comes!

 I'm dilated to almost 3cm again, but not effaced at all. I'm not thinking that I will go 2 weeks early like I did last time, but hey if it does happen, I'll take it! :) My Mom comes right before I'm 39 weeks so anytime after that will be wonderful! She was there for Booklynne's birth and I loved having her support, knowledge and experience in the room with me, so I really hope it works out this time as well.

 Now that it's "countdown time", the "nesting" has set in and I'll be getting baby clothes ready, packing for the hospital, cleaning my house from top to bottom, etc over the next few weeks.

 I would appreciate your prayers for a safe, easy delivery and a healthy baby! :) Thank you!


Deb said...

Can't wait to see him =)

Unknown said...

Wow! I cannot believe how fast this has gone by! Has it already been 9 months?!?!?! You look so good too...aww...praying for you to have a quick and easy delivery and for a healthy baby too!! :)

Deb said...

Ps. I LOVE how much *longer* your hair is this time =)

Victoria said...

Praying. Hope you feel better real soon!

Jolene said...

You look awesome, and I remember how it feels the last few weeks, so you'll be in my prayers, friend.

Right after my Micah was born, I bought myself Seasons 1-3 of the Duggars and watched most of them. I didn't want to feel overwhelmed with having 4 children, so Michelle was my encouragement that 4 was really very few. LOL! (We don't get American TV here, so I had not seen any of the episodes previously, so it was all fun and new.)

All that to say, I hope you are able to do something special and relaxing... something that is just "Mommy entertainment," even if that just means posting on your blog. :-)

Jubilena said...

I will be praying~ do keep us posted! My third birth was wonderful even though my baby was bigger. (My second was 7.8 and my third was 8.2 which is still an okay weight ;) )

Mary said...

You look so beautiful :) I hope everything goes well with your delivery!

Jubilena said...

I will be praying for you! And, you look very good! I can't tell very much by picture that you are bigger than last time. (I thought I had posted a comment before but I must have made some mistake!)

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