
Friday, February 17, 2012

Ten Days

In 10 days I'll be a mommy of 3. I already feel like a mommy of 3, because who can forget the enormous belly sticking out, but in 10 days my arms and heart will be filled with three precious children.

 My first labor was 6 hours, and my second an hour and a half. We live 40 minutes from the hospital, and that's without traffic. At most any given time here, you could sit in horrible traffic for a few hours--morning or evening rush hours last for 3-4 hours and accidents that back up the highway for miles are very common. That's just how it is here and there is no way around it.
 Because of this, my Dr., husband and I have decided that it would be best to be induced so that I do not risk having a baby in the car. My cervix is very favorable at this point (don't you love my medically advanced terms?) and has been since 36 weeks, so Lord willing my body will go right into active labor. Thankfully, they will break my water and not start with pitocin so I have the chance to go into labor on my own. This was done with Brooklynne and within a half hour I had started strong contractions.

 I've never actually experienced the long hours of the first stages of labor. Mine goes on over weeks and when I do actually go into labor, it's fast and furious right away. Because of this, I don't feel that my recoveries are the best (maybe the babies come too fast?) but I am prepared this time with no ministries or photo shoots for close to 2 months and, most important, my Mom being here for 3 weeks when the baby is born. This will be a huge help in letting me not only rest and recover, but just enjoy my baby without feeling the pressure and rush to get back into our very busy lifestyle.
 I cannot tell you how excited I am to have this time to cuddle with my new baby, spend time with my 2 older ones as well as they adjust to having a new little one in the house, as well as spend time with my Mom! Newborns grow SO fast and I don't want to miss that precious tiny stage.

 Because I've gone through labor before and I know what to expect, I am starting to get a little nervous about the whole process. I've done 2 completely natural, and really loved that I did it that way, but always had the option of pain meds in case I wanted it. This time, my platelets are very low so an epidural is pretty much out of the question. I know I can do it without it but not having the option makes it a little scarier. I am so thankful for youtube and the hundreds of videos that have helped refresh my memory of breathing techniques and helpful "counter pressure" that my husband can give me. Of course the fact that we've been hysterically laughing while we are trying to practice doesn't help-HA!-but I just hope we can remember what to do when the time comes! :)

 Anyway, this has turned into somewhat of a ramble, but I just wanted to give you all an update. Unless I go into labor on my own before February 28th, I will have my little boy in my arms sometime that day. I could not be more thrilled! Thanks for those who have offered to pray for me, and I'll do my best to keep you all posted when the time comes!


AnnE Smith said...

Hi Jenna!
I will be praying for you! :)
I don't know what it is like, but we work with a family that has 8 boys and 1 girl, so I know a little... :) We have had over 20 feet of snow this year. Would you like some?

Deb said...


Jubilena said...

My labors are very much like yours... slowly going on for weeks before actually "starting" and then when it does start it is FAST and furious! I have also speculated that this is the reason it is harder for me to recover afterwards. However, from all the people I have talked to, I still tend to like the faster way better;) Every birth is different though and each one is a special story all of its own. Bravo to you for doing it all naturally! I have never been sorry for that ~ only because I feel it is a gift to my baby. However, I NEVER think badly about those who need the pain meds.
For my third birth this is the song that meant so much to me:
"Be not dismayed whate'er betide God will take care of you, beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you." I know that you do know this song but for me meditating on this song brought so much comfort to the fears that naturally come during this time. God will be with you! (and I will be praying!)

Jolene said...

That will be here before you know it!!! So happy for you that it is sooner, rather than later...

And, reading about your traffic problems and not being able to get to a hospital right away made me wonder... are we talking about the mission field here?! :-)

AnnE Smith said...

I am praying for you! :)
We are helping a family with 8 boys and 1 girl, so I know a little bit.. little. :)
We have had over 20 feet of snow this season. Would you like some?

James and Emily said...

Whoot, whoot! The end is in sight! YAY! So excited for you, Jenna, and I will be praying for you. A woman in our church just had her baby this morning and it instantly sent shivers up my body just thinking about it - I think partly because of what I went through and it still seems so fresh. :-/ Hope all goes well, quickly and a precious healthy baby!
That's great that your mom can come and stay with you... aren't mothers the best?! Oh yeah, and counter pressure is GREAT for the hubby to know. That helped me IMMENSELY! ;)

Lisa said...

So exciting to have a date set! I'm almost jealous that you know when the last possible day you'll be pregnant is! Makes me want to move farther away from a hospital, because at 3 days late and 4 cm, there's no way they'd have let me go 40 mins away with Natalie! Getting excited for you to hold this littlest man in your arms! And enjoy all the help from your mom. I almost felt guilty when my mom came to help, but- moms really enjoy it!

Unknown said...

Sooo, I am a wee bit late on commenting here! Just remembered that I wanted to and didn't. My youngest sister was born in the car and according to my mom, it wasn't all that bad..although I think she would have preferred to be at the midwife's house. LOL! Glad you are able to look ahead at an exact date...woo hoo! Praying for a fast and easy delivery and for a healthy baby too!! :)

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