
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Five Months: Our Nicolas

Seeing as though Nicolas is almost six months old (WHAT?!) I thought  I would post  a little 5 month update with his pictures.
 This little guy is the most laid back baby ever. Seriously. We were with my family for several days before anyone ever even heard him cry. His personality reminds me so much of Brooklynne, except more smiley than she was at that age. ;) He also looks exactly like her, to the point where I feel like I have her as a baby again—kind of strange, honestly! J Of course, she loves having a little “twin” baby brother.

 He’s still waking up once a night, which I’m hoping (but not expecting) will stop soon.  Thankfully, he’s cut out his 12/1 AM feeding for the most part, so I get a 4-5 hour stretch of sleep most nights. If he does wake up, popping his paci in his mouth will usually suffice for a few more hours.

He’s doing awesome with tummy time, and can get around in circles, but no scooting or crawling yet. He actually rolled from back to tummy for the first time the other day after weeks of being on the verge. I’m a fourth time Mom, but I love all of these little things just as much as I did with my first!

 He’s still nursing exclusively, which I usually do until my babies start to need to eat more often, or start waking up more at night. Normally around 6 months old is when I notice them acting more hungry and I will incorporate some baby food.
 Speaking of which, anyone have any experience with baby led weaning? I’m wanting to try it out, but don’t know much about it.  Of course I will do my own research on it, but I would love to hear from Moms who have tried it out.

 Nicolas has a huge variety of nicknames at this point. Pickles, Pickleous, Pickle Pants and many others that I couldn’t even type. Ha! I love how each baby gets their own random little nicknames that evolve and change over the months.

 His eyes are still blue. Not sure if they will stay that way, because Brooke’s and Nathan’s changed really late so time will tell!

 He is the center of attention in our home and brings us so much joy and smiles every single day!


tibbah said...

Hi Jenna
I did baby led weaning with Gracelyn and it actually made her a more independent eater. I started out with large pieces of banana cut into sections and later broccoli florets.
I never spoon fed her or gave her any blended baby food. I have the book if you'd like to look it over. I think it's a great idea with lots of benefits for mom & baby.
Amy Witham

Jenna said...

Hi Amy, Thanks so much for your comment! I would love to look the book over. The thought of not toting around baby food everywhere I go is intriguing to me!

Unknown said...

I am working on a post right now about baby led weaning. :) Never did it with my other three but this one I am giving it a whirl. LOVE. IT. :)

Nicolas is so cute too...getting big! :)

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