
Monday, February 2, 2015

Halfway Through

Isn't is crazy that we are over halfway through the school year? I have to admit I'm starting to get the summer itch, which probably isn't good seeing as though we still have a few months of school left.

Having 2 in school this year has been a mixture of challenging and fun, especially since one is homeschooled and one is attending Christian school. Teaching Joe kindergarten has been very different than teaching Brooke. He's a little math whiz, but catching on to phonics takes a little longer. However, once it clicks he's got it and I'm so proud of the progress he's made! He's worked really hard on neat writing as well.

Krispy Kreme gives a free donut for every "A" on a report card. I was so proud of Brookie when she came home with half a dozen!

Even though school has been a big adjustment, she's doing very well and I'm excited about the progress she's made this year. We are still praying about what education path we will pursue next year. 

Of course, doing homework instead of holding her baby brother is pure torture, so she decided that she would do both at the same time

How is your school year going? I would love to hear about it!
I hope you all are having a great week so far! Happy Friday Eve :).


Cara Cleghorn said...

Nicolas is soooo adorable!

Mary said...

These are such cute pics! Love and miss you all! -Lydia

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