
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Baby #3, Month 3!

I am SO thankful to be out of the awful 1st trimester and into the second! Around my 11th week I started having better days (which is how I normally am) and at 12 the nausea and all that goes along with it was almost non existent! I feel like I can start enjoying my pregnancy now, and I have stopped wishing that it would "hurry up". As long as I feel decent, I love being pregnant and I am enjoying every minute with my 2 little ones who are here already. No, not wishing away these months at all! I'm working out again, eating normal, cooking nice healthy meals and keeping up with my house and laundry! (I'm sure my hubby is praising the Lord about that one.)
 I felt the baby move at the beginning of week 11, which is amazing. I had no idea you could feel a baby that early (although, I felt Joey in week 12) but my Dr. says with the third it's normal. Since then, the baby has been very active and I feel it all the time! No matter how many times I carry a child, the feeling of it swimming and kicking inside of me will never cease to amaze me.
 I got to see my little pumpkin on u/s again this month because of a little scare we went through. Praise the Lord everything was ok, but it shook me a little to be having issues at almost 12 weeks. Come to find out my placenta is very low to my cervix right now and that is why I was having the problems I was. It's a common problem and most placentas move to where they are supposed to be by the time 20 weeks come. If it doesn't, it could be serious (placenta previa) but right now I am not going to worry about that. The Lord knows what he is doing and if that happens, we'll take it as it comes! I read that only about 1% of women develop P.P so I'm not counting on it. ;)

As you can see, my belly is growing! Here I look a little bigger than normal (maybe the outfit?) but I like it because I look pregnant and not just thick around the waist. ;) I'm still at an awkward stage--not really able to wear maternity, but normal shirts look a little strange Every pregnant woman's favorite stage, right? 
The kids love the baby and are constantly kissing it. Joe calls it a "baby button"--I think he's confused about a baby and a belly button! Brookie is very much hoping for a sister, but we shall see! 

Just wanted to share a few pictures from the last week or so:
 Waiting for dinner to come out of the oven...
 It was delicous! Spinach Lasagna Rolls...I made them with whole wheat lasagna noodles, low fat ricotta and a jar of alfredo I had in my pantry because it's all I had and added some fresh tomatoes for color and more nutrition Next time I would do tomato sauce to make it much lower fat. Everyone in our house loved it!
 This month I took pictures of the kids and this was my favorite. I'm sorry, but could they be any cuter?!
 This one isn't edited yet (thus the carpet sticking out ;) but I love Joe's face here!
 Oh, my. Just darling.
 The weather here is still in the 100's, and since I'm feeling better we're finally going to the pool again and actually doing things other than lay around the house. Preschool starts next week for Brooklynne (at home) and I'm very excited about it. Other than that, I'm just happy and blessed to be back into a routine again!


Rachel Barkowski said...

My placenta is close to my cervix, too - i have to have a follow-up ultrasound next month. They're not worried, though...they said it almost always move up. They also said that's why I felt the baby at week 12 - no placenta right there to cushion it! Hope Brookie gets that sister! :-)

Pollock Family said...

I'm sure glad you're feeling much better!! The sweetest pics, I love 'em.

Deb said...

Cant believe your already three months =) You look great and the kids are adorable, as always! =)

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