
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Crisis at my House

My hubby sprayed all of the doorways and entry points so that no more bugs can get in without suffering a horrible death. I KNEW he would come through for me!!! Now I just have to clean out my pantry! :)

Something is living in my pantry.
The other night I opened the door of the pantry and I see a HUGE cockroach crawling around on my syrup, trying to get in and savor the sweetness no doubt. I screamed, shuttered and closed the door. When I finally got up the courage to open the door again and kill the dreaded thing, he was gone.
Every time I open my pantry I am scared to see him again. Or his wife. Or their many, many offspring, relatives and friends that I am SURE are scurrying around in there somewhere.
I need to clean it out to get rid of any temptation that they may have to enter again, but I am SCARED TO DEATH!!!
So I'm hoping that my knight in shining armor will help me, or at least be nearby with a shoe when I clean it.
Pray for me--mainly that this crisis will soon pass and that God would give me the strength to do what I need to do. ;)


Julie said...

Ok, so I am eating some lunch as I read this. Totally heaved. That is so nasty. We have these Palmetto bugs here, that are just like cockroaches, so I feel your pain. I will pray that your husband will come to your rescue. Although, my first encounter with the ugly bugs were when Peter was gone and I had to suck it up and do it. But if he was around, I would totally have him do it. GOod luck!

arielle said...

I feel your pain. we have slugs...... like giant ones! and ahem. Lots of mice. Ewwwwww I can handle bugs but MICE ARE GROSS.

Arianna said...

LOL, wow, you're dramatic, Jen. Considering we have/had everything creep in our house here from mice, rats, toads, HUGE spiders, and weird bugs, maybe I'm just used to little critters ;D Ah, the life of a missionary. LOLOL....

anna said...

WOW Miss drama Queen!! That was a dramatic one!! AUGH, I know I would scream too cause I hate even little bugs.
Arianna, if you see this I want to let you know that you are scaring me w/ all those creatures that roam around your house cause I am coming in just about 2 weeks!!! It's not too late to change my mind!! JK

Unknown said...

YUCK!!!! That sounds N-A-S-T-Y Jenna! I am praying for you that you will be able to get rid of those nasty nasties!

Felicia said...

YUCK! I would be the exact same way as you. I say wait til Nate is around and let him do it! :-)

The growing Fabry Family said...

I do not envy that situation!! Too bad you didn't live closer, I would be sending my husband over (he's an exterminator) to take care of your problem!! Hope it goes away... you should probably spray down your entire pantry when its empty... you might even have to throw away some things that are open :( Roaches are nasty things!!! Praying that this situation will over with soon!!! EWWWWW

Arianna said...

LOL, don't worry, Anna. The mice and rat are totally gone, so you don't have to worry about them. The toads and spiders though....well....LOL. ;p

anna said...

SOOO relieved Ena!!

Anonymous said...

aw, so glad that NAte came to the rescue!!

Julie said...

Good Ol' Nate.

Ashley Montoro said...

You wrote this so funny!!! I am glad Nate came through for you!! :-) I know the feeling of seeing something horrifying in a cupboard and not wanting to ever open it again. Eek.

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