
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is Why

The tiny fingers and toes...

 ...the big brown eyes and the baby blues...
 ...the fuzzy hair...
 ...and the chubby cheeks...
 ...adorable, cheesy smiles...
 and moments of chaos.


This is why I stay with them. Every day, feeding and dressing and bathing, reading books, playing games, kissing owies, teaching and training them.
 Exhausted from nursing every 2 hours, picking up toys for the 8th time today,  breaking up arguments, getting behind on laundry, and wondering if I'll ever have time to spring clean. Or just clean at all.
They are little things compared to the joy that they bring me. Motherhood has it's great times and it has the moments that I feel like I'm drowning, but when my heart skips a beat? That's makes every day worth it. 
I've been given the greatest honor and responsibility: raising children, and you couldn't pay me enough to do anything else.


anna said...

WOW!! Adorable :). Nathan's skin is so dark compared to Brooke and Joe's.

Jolene said...

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

Lyd said...

I loved the pictures! Nathan is getting so big. Can't wait to see them in the summer!

Jubilena said...

Its so true! I always think it takes a few months to get a normal ~ it will be a new normal but it will be normal. There will be a day when you will spend just as much time getting ready to go out (or do anything for that matter) with your 3 children as you did with only 2 children and you will be even more efficient.
Just keep focusing on the good side of it all and you will not only survive this time but thrive!

Unknown said...

I really couldn't imagine doing anything else either. I TRULY can't imagine dumping my little ones in a day care simply for a more padded paycheck. Great thoughts and yes, you are blessed. :) You are doing GREAT with 3 too!! :)

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