
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Nathan's 3rd Birthday

Somehow, Nathan turned 3 on Monday. Not sure how this happened since I just had him a few months ago. Anyway, we will have a "real" party for him in a few weeks but the day of had to be super special and exciting and all about the birthday boy!
 As you can see, I went all out on the decorating.

He came bounding into our room earlier than normal and crawled into our bed with a huge smile on his face. "It's gonna be a goooood day," he said. I have never had a 3 year old be quite so excited about his birthday as Nathan was. He talked about it for weeks, telling everyone he was going to have a minion cake with fire on it that he would blow out. (Minion cake to come ;)

I had to run a few errands in the morning, so I took him with me and bought him a doughnut and let him pick out something in line, which was orange tic tacs.

For lunch, it was grilled cheese dinosours. I love how easy kids are to please at this age!

Getting to watch "ABC Animals" on my phone was a special treat--again, easy to please!

So when we ran errands earlier, I found a package of mini cupcakes for $1.97 and talked him into them so I could bake his special cake at his party. He really wanted the pink cupcakes, ha! I put them on a platter in the shape of a "3", added extra sprinkles and candles and he was thrilled!

His birthday dinner of choice was chicken and rice--easy enough! Not sure why he was licking his plate, but hey, it was his birthday. Anything goes!

This face.
This is the face he makes when he's asking a question and I am so glad I was able to capture it because I don't want to ever forget it!

This is another face he makes--bottom jaw pushed forward when he's embarrassed or trying to show off.

His day ended with a trip to Cabellas, where the kids picked up cap guns and shot every animal in sight. Cabbala's is his favorite, not to mention it's free entertainment and 5 minutes from our house, so it was the perfect way to end his birthday! He ran around with gusto, yelling excitedly about everything that caught his attention. Nate and I loved observing him have the time of his life!
 Nathan is our child that has given us quite the run for our money over the past year. He has a very strong will, but over the last several months we've been very consistent with him in not letting him get his way, and the result has produced the sweetest little boy ever. Not that he's perfect (um, obviously) but he loves to cuddle and hug. He loves motorcycles, especially fast ones, and minions, hence the party coming up. ;) He has the cutest high voice and stutters a little. He over-pronounces his words to try to talk really clear and it seriously melts our hearts. Age 2/3 is one of my favorite ages and I wish I could box him up and keep him this size forever! He very often will say out of the blue, "I love you Mommy," and hug me. It just melts my heart.
 Happy Birthday to my precious Nathan!


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