
Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Choice

Yesterday I am sitting next to the piano, teaching a lesson. Brookie is playing nicely all by herself, right where I can see her. Of course, like a good teacher, I should be focused on the student, but instead I'm focused on her. Because at that moment I'm feeling very overjoyed and almost overwhelmed at how good I have it.
I'm a Mommy.
I get to stay home with my daughter every single day.
We wash dishes together--she always helps.
We fold laundry together.
We read books together.
We walk to get the mail together, her pushing her dolly in the stroller, purse hung over the handles, cell phone inside. ;)
We cook together.
We laugh together at each other, especially when I say, "doooon't smile!!"
We talk to baby Joey in my belly. She says he kicks her, and she laughs.
She plays the piano and says, "Mommy, come play piano," and asks me to sing. I sing and play and she plays next to me.
We grocery shop together and talk about how yummy our food will be. We eat samples and little cookies from the bakery every time we're there.
We shop the mall together. I always ask her opinion. She always assures me, "it's cute". Maybe someday she'll be able to tell me if the outfit I'm trying on makes me look fat!

I work about 10-15 hours a week from home. I teach piano, nanny a little boy and am now starting photography. But my main job is caring for my husband, my daughter and my household.
Not a lot of Mom's can say that. Many have no choice but to go out and get a job, and for them I feel truly sorry and hope that their situation can change so that someday they can have the best job in the world.
Other's choose not to stay home, and for them I pity because they have given up the highest honor they could have--being a stay at home Mom.

I cannot go out and change the world. But I can change a very, very small part of the world through the lives of my children. I will raise them as close Biblical principles as possible and someday, when they are ready, I will send them out like arrows, darting out into this dark and evil world, making a difference for God.

And I will be fulfilled and happy, knowing that I have made a teeny, tiny little difference by making the best choice that I could have made in my life.

Every day isn't peachy. But for the days, even the moments that I receive a kiss, an "I wuv you Mama," and a hug when she still has chocolate all over her hands, I am willing to sacrifice a career for. You can't tell me that anything out there can even come close to the moments that I share with my daughter every single day.

Because I have chosen to make the most of the few short years I have before they are gone.


Rebekah said...

Such a blessing to read your post! Praise the Lord for all His blessing!

Ginger said...

Amen, Jenna

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet post Jen!!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Such a cute post. I think being a mom is the best job ever. <3

Victoria said...

All I can say is "Amen!!!" You said the rest.

Sarah P said...

Aww love this post - it's good to hear some of the people "closer to my age" still saying this, you and brookie are so sweet together!

anna said...

aww, that's sooo sweet!!

Unknown said...

You know, I feel the same way. How blessed we are as stay at home moms. Working mothers miss so much of their children's development and different stages. I would not miss it for the world! Great post, very sweet.

Nomad said...


The crazy thing is that while we have high hopes and dreams for our "little arrows", WE are our parent's arrows. Kind of a sobering thought!


Claire said...

Aww this was so sweet!!!!! I love Brookie and can't wait to have sweet litle kids of my own!

Rachel Barkowski said...

Well said. :-)

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