
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

He that is in us is greater than He that is in the World!

Our Missions Conference was wonderful this week. We heard many great sermons that didn't totally focus on missions, but focused on the heart that makes you willing to give and go. Each sermon spoke to me in some way and I wrote down a list of points from various messages that I don't want to forget.
One of those things was concerning the state of our nation today. Everyone is up in arms about this election and I'm no exception. However, you must vote for who you feel that you can. I'm not here to debate politics. In a few hours we will have our new president and what each of us thinks won't really matter anymore.
The end must come and that is what I was encouraged about in a sermon that my dad preached. He said that all of these leaders are like pawns on a chess board. God, in his infinite wisdom, is moving around the pawns so that they are all in the perfect position for him to come down and say, "GET OUT OF HERE!" and reign forever and ever. Maybe at some point in our lives we will have to suffer for Christ's sake like the Christians who went before us as Martyrs. We have had the easiest lives in the history of Christianity, but that may change in our lifetime. We all believe that we will be ruptured out of here before it gets too bad, but we have to be prepared in case that does not happen!
I'm not saying that one President or the other will make the difference. The end may or may not happen in our lifetime, but keep your eyes upward! This could be the day that the Lord returns in glory!


Liz said...

Your Dad told us some of his sermon about that on sunday, It sounded really good...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jenna! I like what your Dad said about pawns on a chess board. That's good! I miss hearing him preach.

Anonymous said...

Sounds liek you had a really good missions conference! Wish I could of been there!
Love u,

arielle said...

Amen... Thank God he is always in control!

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