
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Celebrating Labor Day

So, I finally did it: I lost 5 pounds last month. Those 5 pounds have been haunting me for months! I literally worked my bottom off for this, I feel so much better and mostly I'm just so happy to have conquered my flesh! :) I'm hoping to lose 5 more in the next month, but we'll see how I do. In the beginning I wanted to lose 10, but I am trying to set more realistic goals for myself by doing it in 5 pound increments. Now I only have 5 more to lose! So, on this labor day, I am celebrating the victory of my labor to lose this weight! :)


Tori said...

I've visited your blog a few times and have enjoyed reading about your life! You are a beautiful girl with a wonderful family!

Congrats on your success! Hope you are able to conquer the next 5 pounds!

Have a good Labor Day!

Victoria said...

CONGRATS!! I've got 4 pounds that seem to be hanging around (in more ways than one - ha!) - your post was encouraging!

Liz said...

Jen.. You are unbelieveable... You probably weigh like nothing... Good job though! I'm proud of you

Julie said...

Congrats. That's always a good feeling. I hope to be losing about 20 lbs next week. Haha.

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