Nate and I have started something new. Actually, I started it and he is participating. I like to say that I am a romantic and love little ways to spice up our marriage. As I was cleaning out a box of things that was in my bathroom, I found a pretty little notepad. It has a hard cover with small sheets inside that were made to tear out. I set it on the back of our toilet, wrote a love note to my man and set it on top of the notepad. Alongside the notepad is a pen.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Love Notes
Posted by Jenna at 7:03 PM 6 comments
Celebrating Labor Day
So, I finally did it: I lost 5 pounds last month. Those 5 pounds have been haunting me for months! I literally worked my bottom off for this, I feel so much better and mostly I'm just so happy to have conquered my flesh! :) I'm hoping to lose 5 more in the next month, but we'll see how I do. In the beginning I wanted to lose 10, but I am trying to set more realistic goals for myself by doing it in 5 pound increments. Now I only have 5 more to lose! So, on this labor day, I am celebrating the victory of my labor to lose this weight! :)
Posted by Jenna at 7:03 PM 4 comments
Labels: Weight Loss
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Trip to the Park!
Posted by Jenna at 9:38 PM 6 comments
Labels: Family, Motherhood
Mom's Visit
Posted by Jenna at 11:04 AM 6 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
15 Months Old
Little Brookie is 15 months old today. How time flies! I can't even believe that my little baby is almost a toddler (when she would actually start walking :)
Weight: Last I knew, 16.5. Still tiny!
Eyes: Are turning more brown. Most of the time they look green and sometimes more blue. She always gets comments about how pretty her eyes are.
Vocabulary: She now says many words on her own without promting, though she will say many repeating after me. These are the ones she says on her own: Momma, Daddy, Grandpa, Grandma (Ba-Pa), Diaper, Ducky, Quack-Quack, Doggie, ruff-Ruff, Uh-Oh, Ball, Drink, Yeah (literally answers questions that she has no idea about with a little 'yeah', all serious).
Sign Language Vocabulary: Please, More, Eat, Juice
Loves: The first thing that comes to mind, DUCKY! She wants it immediately when she wakes up and pretty much has to have it in the near vicinity all day. When it goes in the wash she cries and when it was in the dryer the other day she sat in front of the dryer saying, "ducky, ducky", until it was dry!
I'm so blessed with my little girl and so thankful to God for giving her to me!
Posted by Jenna at 5:43 PM 5 comments
Labels: Motherhood, pictures
Sunday, August 24, 2008
No Fussing!
Posted by Jenna at 6:28 PM 5 comments
Labels: Christianity, Motherhood
Friday, August 22, 2008
Great Truths About Life
These facts were collected by experiences of real children :).
- No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize a cat.
- Never let your Mom brush your hair when she's mad at your Dad.
- If your sister hits you, don't hit back. Parents always catch the second person!
- Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
- You can't trust dog's to guard your food.
- You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk.
- You shouldn't wear polka dot underwear under white shorts!
Posted by Jenna at 8:46 AM 3 comments
Labels: random
Thursday, August 21, 2008
At almost 15 months...
Brooke took her first steps last night! Finally! :) She's been standing up a lot more and I have been just waiting for her to walk to me. Last night I was waiting in my Mother-in-laws office after church with my sister-in-law and her kids and Brooke stood up and took 2 steps toward me and then took 3 more after that!
As a first time Mom I'm extremely excited and of course had to bore you all with my story. :) Hope you don't mind!
Posted by Jenna at 9:58 AM 7 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Let the Imagination begin!
Brooke "stirring" and "eating" her "food". Thus, the years of imaginary playing begin!
Posted by Jenna at 3:19 PM 5 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Monday, August 18, 2008
Thanks! You made my day!
Posted by Jenna at 12:01 PM 5 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bath Time at our House
Bath time has been becoming much more dramatic around here. Tonight topped it all. Sorry that I was laughing so hard...I just couldn't help myself! She actually did fully climb out once as I was trying to reach for the soap! And don't worry---once we stopped the video, it was not all fun and games! We are working on this problem until she will peacefully enjoy her bath.
Posted by Jenna at 7:03 PM 11 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Sunday, August 10, 2008
CO. Trip Part 4--Trip to Rifle Creek
Posted by Jenna at 11:29 AM 2 comments
CO. trip Part 3--Scenery
Posted by Jenna at 11:21 AM 2 comments
CO. Trip part 2
Posted by Jenna at 11:13 AM 3 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
CO trip Part 1
Posted by Jenna at 2:28 PM 10 comments
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