
Friday, December 7, 2007

Sights and Sounds of Christmas!

This year marks the second year in a row that we have gone to Sights and Sounds of Christmas in San Marcos. Last night was a little different because we had a baby! She was really good for us and got to be carried a lot by "Uncle" Dave and "Aunt" Jess while someone else pushed her empty stroller :).

We were trying several different places to get a good picture for our Christmas card. I think with a little cropping, this might be the one!
They have a whole section that is "Bethlehem." Here is the manger scene.
Daddy and Brookie with a camel!
The walk across the bridge to the arts and crafts side
Entrance to Bethlehem

They have lights everywhere, large tents with vendors set up, lots and lots of food, a midway for the kids, Bethlehem as you saw and several different neat things. It was really fun!


Sara N. Smith said...

I really like the picture...that's a great one!
Looks like you had an awesome time! What a great tradition!

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! Very pretty...I lvoe stuff like that! remeber the one we went to with the Quatros?!

Victoria said...

That looks so neat! I love the family pic!

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