
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Prayer needed...

I would like to ask you all to pray very hard for two things in our church right now. You already know about them, I'm sure, but I just wanted to remind everyone.
One, for my Pastor's health. He has a terminal illness that has been bothering him since right after we got married, about July '06. They have given him a "time" frame that he will "live" but we know that God can work miracles and help him to live longer, or heal him completely. At this point, the tumor that was around his lungs last year at this time that they took out has come back with a vengeance. He hardly has any appetite, but when he does eat, all of the protein and nutrition goes right to that tumor. He looks like an African poster child: very thin with a bloated pot belly. Basically, his body is wasting, is what they call it, because he is not getting nutrition from anything that he eats--when he does or can eat.
We know that God can heal him and that is what we are praying for. If not, we will need a Pastor to take over where he left off, and so I would ask you to pray for that too. Pastor said the other night (PTL he was feeling well enough to preach!) that he will appoint a Pastor before he dies which will lift a great burden off of everyone.
Secondly, for Josh and Caleb to get out of prison. I am praying that it would be before Christmas, and I'm asking you to do the same. I know that God can work a miracle here, too! With the court system being so slow, it would have to be all God that will get them out. It will be 4 year this year that they have been in there--simply for spanking a child with a switch the size of your pinkie. The day they were sentenced, a woman had drowned her child in the bath tub and received 10 years probation. Just to let you know how unjust their sentences were.
Thank you all so much for praying for them. I believe that God can do exceedingly above all that we ask or think! Lord, help thou mine unbelief!


Victoria said...

Praying. I couldn't imagine that happening - the church body is such a close-knit family!

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