
Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Week of Little Moments

If you haven't noticed, I added a feed of pictures from my phone onto the side of the blog called "daily moments". Some days there are 2 pictures and some days there are 5. I'll admit that what I do is for my family who lives so far away to feel like they are a part of our every day lives, but you guys get to come along for the ride as well. 
 Moment of silence for that privilege, please.
 Just kidding.

 Here's a week of "Daily Moments". Of course, it's not every picture I took on my phone but it's a good portion of all the little moments that make up my wonderfully blessed life.

Cuddles with Mommy

Swim day with cousins

A nap by the pool

Who says a 2 year old can't do a Jillian Michael's DVD?

Little fluffy head after his bath

She loves the "hat towel"

Speaking of moment of silence, may we have one now for this homemade salsa. Amen.

A rainy Day

Rainy days are good!

My happy little Man

Another picture, Mom?!

Good morning, little brother

 She lets rolly polly's crawl all over her hands. I stand at a safe distance to take my pictures.

Romance in the Kitchen

Good morning, big sister

Learning the scooter

My little Shadow who has been just that lately--very attached to Mommy.

He's not too big to curl up and go right to sleep in his wrap

Sitting outside

Big boy bed. He kept asking, "Why is it broken?" (because it's a crib that converts) and said we still have to call it a crib. So far he's slept great in it--not sure he realizes his freedom yet!
Happy Weekend!


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