
Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Morning

Sometimes I'm up before the kids and get to enjoy a little bit of peace and quiet before the day starts. I have my devotions, eat breakfast, check emails, let the dog out, feed the baby, etc.
  Yes, I know that I should be up before them every day but I'm not--I admit it. Sometimes they are up before me and their smiley faces are the first thing I see, like a ray of sunshine bursting through the door into my room. It's the perfect way to wake up, really.
 Once they are up, happy chaos ensues. They climb onto my bed, kissing their brother, telling me a story, asking to eat cereal and wanting to play with my phone or kindle.

 If Nathan is up, like he was yesterday when I was taking these pictures, I'll give him a little tummy time. Yesterday he rolled right over onto his back, celebrating his 2 month birthday in style.
 I love mornings. A fresh start, a new day, a slate wiped clean of yesterday's mistakes and a chance to make a whole slew of new memories. If you didn't walk close to God yesterday, there is always today to listen just a little harder for the Holy Spirit's leading. If you ate bad yesterday, there is always today to eat better. If you lost your patience with the kids yesterday, you have today to try and hold on to it just a little bit longer.
No wonder they say, "good morning," because they are new and free of yesterday's imperfections. And if the day turns out awful, we can always say, "good night", because the morning is on it's way with promise of a bright new start.


Ginger said...

Jenna how beautiful! And I really needed this today. Or tonight. 3am here and hard to figure out if I am going to bed or just getting up...

Julia said...

Wowwww, I can't believe how old he is getting!!!

Amy said...

You captured so perfectly the sweetness of the morning Jenna!Those bright smiles of your three are inspiringly precious, especially Nathan's.:) ~Amy

Jolene said...

Great post, and oh, so true!

LUV that picture of your sweet baby looking straight into the camera. What an adorable baby!!!

Deb said...

Was that Brooklynne's first "real" manicure? SO cute!

Rebecca said...

That's right -- mornings are new + fresh.

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