
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Emergency Fund & More

I have an emergency fund. I've had it for several months now--maybe since the baby was born. Well, I guess it's not exactly a real emergency fund, but just for the time that I need a couple bucks. Of course, the problem is I hardly ever have a couple extra bucks to thrown in it.

Up until a couple weeks ago it had $8.00 in it.

That's it. Almost a year's worth of extras. Eight dollars. What in the world? I told Nate that when we went out to lunch one day that I could pay for it out of my emergency fund. I said I had collected quite a sum in there, told him how much and he just burst into laughter. I laughed right along with him. Laughing with the love of my life is one of my favorite things to do and makes me feel so good!

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a lot of money. Just to be able to spend money whenever and not worry about finding stuff on clearance. To live in a really nice house and drive a nice car......

Well, dream on. Anyway, that is not the way it is and I don't know if I would want our lives to be any other way. I've heard that extremely rich people are not happy and feel like they never have enough. I am so happy--my life couldn't be better. So, since we do have to watch our spending I try to do what I can to save as a dollar here and a dollar there.

We get the Sunday paper specifically for the coupons. I use the manufacturer's coupons along with store coupons when I can. That's a great way to double coupons and save even more.
With a lot of coupons you have to buy 2 of that item to get the savings. I have found that you can buy one and still use the coupon.
I buy a lot of generic brands and try to buy what's on sale.
I make baby food with frozen vegetables, big jars of natural apple sauce and the boxes of rice cereal. For a little while I was spending over $15 a week on baby food and decided that I couldn't do that anymore. I called my Mom and she told me that's what I should do. She said I could also buy bunches of bananas and mash them up with a fork, which I did. I am saving A LOT of money a week doing that.
The other day I added a 20 dollar bill to my "fund". Now I'm trying to save up for a nice anniversary trip for us in a couple years. At this rate, I don't think that it will be a very nice vacation :) but I'll keep trying to save! :)


Liz said...

OMW!!!!! Jen, your so funny.

Anonymous said...

You are a RANDOM one Jen!!! You always come up with these things!!

Jessica said...

I'm LOL right now....cause I have my own bank account too, and as it stands right now, I have 14 dollars in it! Pretty pythetic huh? We are like you, and have to watch how we spend our money and try to save, but I also would probably not have it any other way. I think it's good for kids to grow up not being able to get EVERYTHING their hearts desire. They learn to be more thankful!

Unknown said...

LOL... I know what you're talking about, though... It's interesting having to watch everything you spend, budget, etc... but I'd rather be like this and married to my best friend and happy than have all the money in the world! We are SO blessed... besides, our treasure is in heaven!

Anonymous said...

hey jen nice story just wanna say hey
soooo hey

Victoria said...

I love the fact that I don't have to go to work and that Eric provides for us, but it definitely makes for interesting birthdays and Christmas..."So, uh, honey - this is your gift that I bought with YOUR money." Oh well.

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