
Monday, February 10, 2014

We are so pleased to announce...

I hope I still have followers left after such a long blog hiatus! The month of January was sort of a break time for me, and I haven't been feeling my normal self, because baby #4 is on the way! We are so thrilled that God has chosen to bless us with another child to raise for his honor and glory. I've heard a lot of people say that 4 is easier than 3, because everyone has someone to play with, so we'll see if that holds true for us or not. :)

 After 3 pregnancies, I've learned to listen to my body and know my limits, especially in the first trimester. Thankfully, sickness-wise, this has been my easiest so far, but it's also been tough because of the low energy. I've definitely noticed a difference in that department this time around, so I'm learning to deal with it without being too lazy which would make me even more tired.

I'm so happy that this week I've been starting to feel better, and it won't be long until I'll feel almost normal again!
 I'll be back again soon with our normal updates! 


Unknown said...

Woo Hoo! :) I was wondering when we would hear of another little one. ;) Congrats...enjoy every moment!!

Tereza said...


The Skinny on Staci said...

:) I found out that with every pregnancy I felt more tired because.... well, I was older each time! LOL Glad you're not having morning sickness.

Mary said...

SO excited to have another nephew or (Hopefully. Ahem.) niece!

Billie Sloan said...

Yippee! It is not going to take you long to catch up to us! {wink}

Cara Cleghorn said...


Rebecca said...

Congratulations!!! What exciting news. :)

I am around 12 weeks, too, with our first!

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