
Friday, February 21, 2014

All that Matters

Motherhood is such  a roller coaster to me, as I’m sure it is to every Mom. There are the moments that I just want to throw in the towel and quit (like yesterday morning) and there are the moments that I feel my heart will burst with joy (like last night). The good moments far outweigh the difficult ones by far.

 This month has been tough because Nate’s been working his normal full time job, plus extra side jobs every night and Saturdays. So I’ve solo parenting every day except Sunday, and I get weary. I also have so much respect for single parents who do it alone every single day of the year; you all are super people! Seriously, from getting them breakfast in the morning to the nighttime routine all alone is NOT easy. I think it’s been a little more tough than normal because of my very low energy levels, but we are trudging through and he’s almost finished up with the jobs—thank you Jesus! J

I’m not a laid back person by any means, but I’ve learned to let some things go and realized that I can’t do it all. One look at my laundry pile and bedroom will make you quite aware that I am nowhere near super woman, but I’m ok with that.  I’m not sure I will ever master the balancing act, but I’m sort of learning to prioritize the things in my life that are the most important—my daily walk with God, my relationship with my husband and raising, loving and training my children. If at the end of the day I crawl into an un-made bed, but I know I did the best I could with my family that day, then that is all that matters.

They are all that matter.


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