
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Daily Moments

It's been a really long, exhausting week. I am so ready to be done with this moving thing.
 Mary left on Tuesday, which resulted in my usual behavior of depression eating every carb-filled-sugar-filled-fat-filled food in the house. Somehow, even though I "don't buy that stuff", things magically appear--like 12 reeses peanut butter eggs in my freezer that I had no idea were there. Twelve. That's like a dream and a nightmare all wrapped into one. We won't disclose how many I ate.

 The house hunt is getting discouraging and I'm sick of packing and cleaning the house for showings, organizing, and choosing what we might need in temporary housing for a few months and what to put in storage.
 But more than all of that, I'm mainly feeling grateful tonight. The in between moments is what I'm focusing on, the moments when I'm hugged by my kids for no reason, or I receive a crinkly-nose smile from my baby. When friends and family come over to pack, babysit and clean, (but mainly hang out and laugh for hours) because they care and want to help. When my husband cleans the kitchen after dinner because he knows I've had an exhausting day. I am so blessed to live my life surrounded by so many wonderful, amazing people. My family lives far away, but we get to spend so much more time together compared to most long distance families, and when we do it is pure Heaven on Earth. My husband's family is like my own and so supportive and helpful. I have childhood friends that I've grown up with that I consider brothers and sisters, and my Texas girls that I've known since marriage are becoming my sista's too.
 My New York and Texas family is becoming closer as the years go on, and it's this great relationship that I'm really happy to be in the middle of. I'm so blessed, you guys. I don't know how else to put it.

 So without further ado, the in between moments from this week:

 Possibly THE best moment from the week. This happened to Mary during our garage sale as a customer looked on. We screamed with laughter and could.not.stop.

Date Night

Mixed and matched ideas to come up with this roasted red pepper and cauliflower soup. Pictures from toaster strudel and peanut butter cup day not available.

Found him "reading" his Bible

Girls Night
Also, we're twins who are 10 years apart
Nothing like a sleeping child


Grandma Time

Poor kid has almost all his toys packed away and is very bored ;/

Ended this week with a rainy weekend--so needed around here!

Hope you all have a great Memorial Day! We are (surprise, surprise) packing and moving belonings into storage, but I'm looking forward to next year when we'll be in our own house and able to have friends over for a cookout!


The Skinny on Staci said...

You are right... there is NOTHING like a sleeping child. I have so many photos of my precious babies when they are asleep. Eek on your packing and moving adventure. I can only imagine the stress that adds into your life with the kiddos running around needing Mommy. If all you New Yorkers and Texans ever come to Nashville, we must meet! :)

Unknown said...

Aww, don't be discouraged about the move not "moving" right now. I totally hear you and understand completely how difficult it is to be climbing around boxes and packing away toys until the children just stand and stare at each other due to boredom. Just know that GOD has it all planned out and HIS perfect timing will be YOUR perfect timing as well. Praying for a smooth transition for all of you. Oh, I LOVE sleeping children precious. :)

Jubilena said...

Its funny but I always think that Mary is Claire at first glance ~ Claire at that age... But when you mention how much she looks like you I can see that too. :)

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