
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quiet Spring on the Blog

I have immensely enjoyed spring this year--more than any other year that I can remember. In warmer climates, seasons run together, the changes blurred by the almost constant warmth. I haven't experienced a Northern spring in several years, and while most of it was cold and rainy, it finally warmed up the last few weeks I was there and was absolutely gorgeous. New York City is always warmer than Upstate where I grew up, so the trees were exploding with gorgeous pink and white blossoms and everything was a vibrant green.

I also love spring because it is a time of new beginnings, new life, new beauty all around us. In the midst of trying to soak it all in, we are moving (to our own house, yay!) and the next few weeks will be very busy as we pack, clean, host a garage sale, throw away a ton of stuff, and hopefully actually find a house to live in! Thankfully, we have a sweet lady in church who will be letting us stay temporarily in her house until we can purchase and close on our own home. Although we aren't fans of moving twice, we didn't have the option of going month to month on our lease, so we need to be out at the end of the month.

Possibly the biggest blessing of all is that my sister Mary is here to help me with the huge job of doing all of this. So, this blog will be quiet for a while as I focus on finishing up school ( we have a week left!) and moving. I will post as time allows, but mostly I'll be focusing on getting it all done in time!

 Enjoy your spring, friends!


The Skinny on Staci said...

Awww, a whole lot going on, huh? Best wishes on finding "your" house! Hope things work out great, and it'll be good to get an update from you when time allows. :)

Tereza said...

Looking forward to your return to blog land!!! Hope the move and everything goes well!

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