
Friday, September 14, 2012

Our Week

We just finished our third week of school and I wish I could say I was settling into a routine, but I'm not. Mornings usually get started later than I hope, but I'm learning to accept that it isn't always going to run perfectly. As long as we've accomplished what we want to at the end of the day, I'm happy. Even if I am cleaning the kitchen at 10:00pm.

 I've been inspired by another blogger to do a home purge, and that started this week. My closet was rid of 4 garbage bags of clothes and trash. It's embarrassing to even admit that, but it feels good to have everything neat and organized. My closet is huge, (like the size of a small bedroom) so it's easy to let everything pile up and not even know what I have. Of course it didn't stop me from going to the thrift store 2 days later and buying 2 new shirts. Seriously? I do have my ways of justifying it, like now that I know what I have, I know what I need. Also, I have 3 kids, which means my body has changed tremendously over the last 6 years. There. Justified.
Cleaning Break

Homemade sauce 
9-11 Anniversary. I told the kids about it and we watched youtube footage of the planes hitting the towers

The weather started to cool down this week. I'm in the mood for sweaters, boots, coffee and friend get-to-gethers, but it will be a while before that happens. For now we're enjoying the fact that it's in the low 90's and we can sit outside and enjoy the end of summer.

Another thrift store find-- Brookie said he looked like a bee. It's size 12 months and fits him so good!

See his pink ear? The kids found out that if they touched him with their sidewalk chalk hands, he would turn pink. He's had half of a pink head for 3 days now.

This week, we started to put letters together even though we weren't quite to that point yet in the curriculum. I just wanted to see if she could sound letters out. We have done it a little bit before, but this time she really got into it. I laughed out of sheer joy and excitement to watch her slowly slur out each sound and realize that she had just read the word. It's like observing a butterfly emerge from it's cocoon--you want to help, but they have to figure it out for themselves. 

And figure it out she did. One of the main reasons we decided to home school this year was so that I could experience this with her, and it did not disappoint. It was one of the best thing's I've ever witnessed as a Mom!
Handwriting is her least favorite subject--the big smile was only because she was done with that page!

On the way home from church Wednesday night, Brookie said, "Mommy, when I grow up I want to be a missionary." I almost started crying as she told me the story she had learned in her class and how it made her want to be a missionary and tell others about Jesus. My heart wanted to burst with happiness. I know a lot can change in 20 years but her innocent, sweet, happy face the day that she told me this news was something I never want to forget.

Happy Weekend, friends!


Mary said...

Did you save your good clothes for me ;)? So proud of you for cleaning it! Nathan is looking so much older, and Brooke looks beautiful in the pic of her and Joey!

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