
Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ah, the New Year. A time of reflection and thankfulness, and those good ol' resolutions. We all make them every year.Read my Bible through. Memorize a verse a day of scripture. Learn how to sew. Learn a new instrument. Lose 10 pounds. Pray every day. Not eat sugar. Exercise every day. Whatever your "New Years Resolutions" are, we all have the best of intentions when January first rolls around. It's easy to make a weight loss goal when you feel fat and bloated on New Years Eve after a week of parties, eating and laying around. It's simple to decide to read your Bible through when you haven't been reading it like you should. Memorizing a verse of scripture a day--piece of cake!
And now, here we are. 10 days into January. I'm sure some have grown discouraged already and you are back into the same old rut you were in before. You skipped a day of reading so you skip for a week because how can you possibly catch up now? You chow down on ice cream one night and the binging continues into the next 3 days because you already cheated, whats the use?
Here is something that God has been teaching me. It's one step at a time. It's one verse, one chapter. It's one pound, and if you can't make it to that, it's a half a pound. (Gosh, that's 2 sticks of butter!) It's a walk at the end of the day if you didn't have the time to work out earlier, or a few sit ups and push ups if it's too cold outside. Anything to make you better, physically and spiritually.
I'm the type of person that if I don't get a full 45 minute workout in every day, I feel like I didn't work out at all. My heart could be pumping for 20, 30 minutes, but for me it's not enough. I have to realize that something is better than nothing. Moving for 10 minutes, even, is better than moving at all.
I'm also the type of person that if I don't read my allotted daily Bible reading amount I feel like I failed. Like I didn't spend enough time with God and that it didn't really matter. Of course, this area is more important to do more in, but I need to realize that I'm not a failure if I don't do exactly what I feel like I should for one day. I need to pick up, go on, and start again the next day. Take it one step at a time. Start with the little things and you'll be less likely to fail.

So, keep up with those resolutions! If you have already quit, start again! There is always a new day and right now there is a new minute, a new hour. Take a small step right now to do more for yourself--Body, Soul and Spirit.


anna said...

That was really good and encouraging!!

Ginger said...

Jenna, I so needed to read this right now, this very moment! I have been struggling big time with bible reading and parenting, and getting it all done . Same with the weightloss, ( which when I saw you, I so can not tell where you would need to loose a single pound )

Unknown said...

Well, my resoloution has always been to lose weight. However...this year will be verrry different! No weight loss until AFTER June! ;) But that is OK. I can still focus on eating right.

Bible reading gets harder and harder the more children you have, which I am learning (having a 16 m.o. and a puppy). But, I find that WHENEVER I can get it done is good. As long as it is done sometime during the day whether it be during Hannah's nap time or lunch time...whenever. I, like you, don't feel like I have honored God if I neglect it totally.

Thanks for the post. (When I read your title, I thought that "one" of your babies took their first step. Haa haa!!!!) Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Great encouragement! Thanks Jenna!

Amy said...

So true! Why do I think I must conquer a mountain?? Thank you for putting new light on this subject.:) Good to see you at the christmas concert!!

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