
Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'll be 38 weeks on Saturday! I can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has flown by, especially this last month or so! Last time, the last month was slow. This time it's seemed to be the fastest part, which is so nice!

It's weird knowing that I could go any second, or it could still be a few weeks. That's probably the worst part of pregnancy--those last few weeks of waiting! The suspense...not knowing when or if your water will break...while I'm playing the piano at church, shopping in the grocery store, or if it'll be at 3 in the morning. Or if I'll start having hard contractions and just go to the hospital then--will we have to sit in traffic? I hope it's not rush hour, because the traffic here is awful and we'll be sitting in it for about an hour. Sitting in traffic while in horrible pain is not a nice thought.

And then it could just be smooth, in the middle of the night or day when there is no traffic, a nice 20 minute ride to the hospital and baby is born a few hours later! :)

So while all of this is running through my head, I'm busy preparing for a new little one to enter our household. Nate bought a plastic "dresser" with drawers on it, so I washed all of Joey's clothes and put them all in there. The little dresser fits right in Brooke's closet, which is nice. At this point he doesn't have a room, because my family will be here for a while and I'll just have him in a bassinet in my room. I'll probably set something up later on when he's a few months old. I have Brookie's room all organized, too. Put away clothes that were too small and got out some fall things--even though it's still in the 70's and 80's here, so we aren't even thinking about long sleeves.

I'm staying nice and caught up on laundry and housework. Other than that, I need to pack for the hospital and that's about it! My sister Claire comes in next Thursday and I really want her to be here for the birth, so I'm hoping that the baby will hang on until then, even though I would LOVE to go earlier. :) That would still be 10 days early when she gets here, so that's a great time!

Yesterday I brought Brookie to the mall and bought her a new little skirt and 2 hats. We've been preparing for the baby a lot and she is so excited, but sometimes she gets very emotional and cries for daddy, or just hugs me and sits on my lap and cries. I know it sounds crazy, but I really do think that she senses that something is about to change and it's made her a little emotional. :( I wanted to spend a little time with just her at the mall before I have another one to take care of while we're there, too. We ate a sub together and just had a really great time together. I will post a picture of her in her new hat later--it's absolutely adorable, and of course she chose a pink one! I got her a little winter hat, too, for when that time comes.
For now, I've just posted these pictures of Brooke making funny faces because pictures always make a post better. :) She picked that up somewhere and I'm not sure where--it makes Nate and me laugh every time. :)
Perhaps the next time I post, it will be to tell you my birth story and share pictures of my cutie! Wish me luck--and prayers more than that!


Anonymous said...

We are all so excited for Joseph to be born!! CUTE pics of Brooke--cant wait to see you--one month and one week from today =)

Anonymous said...

I am sure this is the hardest part!! I am so excited, and can't wait to see my nephew!! I am sure you and Brooke had fun shopping! She looks so cute in those pics :)

anna said...

AWW, this is getting me all excited for my lil nephew to come. I can't WAIT to see him in a few weeks when I come!!! I'll be praying for you and I hope he doesn't come too early cause I don't want him to be too old when I come!! Love and miss ya lots!!Can't wait to see you. Give Brooke a kiss for me ;)

Julie said...

I am with you. Those last few weeks are the worst. It takes forever! As for Brook, I will pray for her and you guys. I think you need wisdom with dealing with little ones in these situations. I am positive she knows something is up, but I know she will do well because she has a great mom and dad that love her!

Unknown said...

I remember the last few weeks...I think I would make up contractions to make it seem like it was happening right then. But, God had other ideas. I was REALLY nervous about where my water would break too...I don't know what I was expecting. A big, huge gush of fluid? Oh well...praying for you and can't wait to hear the news! Hang in there girlie!

Julia said...

I am sooooooo excited about going there are getting me so anxious!!!!!I can't wait!!!!=)

Jamie Parfitt said...

I was worried that my first child would be jealous of the attention I would show to my second one. So I tried not to love on the new baby too much. Then one day I was holding him on the couch next to my older boy (there is a 2 3/4-year difference). I suddenly just sort of squealed and hugged him because he was so cute. My older son seemed more lovy to him every day after that. I guess he needed my example of loving the baby to show him what to do with the younger one. It did not make him jealous at all! He was our new "toy" (kind of) to enjoy together!

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