I've been tagged by Arielle to list 6 random things about myself.
1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. List 6 unspectacular quirks you have.
4. Tag 6 bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each taggee's blog to let them know they've been tagged.
1. I am afraid of the dark. At night I will not go downstairs without my hubby!
2. I don't know how to french braid. My sister tried to teach me--couldn't get it! I'm not a hair person at all!
3. I really like Sushi when it's made right
4. A pet peeve of mine is how everyone is so proud of Texas (it's not all that)
5. I can't stand the feeling of sand on my feet after walking on the beach ( I love it while I'm walking on it though :)
6. Nate and I didn't kiss or hold hands until our wedding day. Something that was very difficult, something I'm glad we waited for and something I'm very proud of!
I tag Julie, Suzi, Hollie, and Mrs. S! :) ( I don't know how to link, so you can check out their blogs on my sidebar!)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tagged--Random things about me :)
Posted by Jenna at 10:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: About Me
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Fun Times
Clapping and dancing to a marching band that was playing outside of the Alamo
All of us outside of the Alamo! I haven't been there since before Nate and I were even an item so it was fun to go there with him :)
Nonnie and Bookie on the River Boat.
Posted by Jenna at 2:52 PM 11 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What's Going On Here!
I just wanted to give you all a little update of what's been going on around here. I've had a really busy week preparing for my parents, Aunt, Grandma and one of my dad's friends to come and visit. Our house will be really full so I wanted every room to be spotless and ready for them. I went through Brookie's room and packed away a ton of clothes that didn't fit her anymore and found some new ones that will fit her now that I forgot I had! That was a nice find. It was like Christmas, pulling out all of these new clothes with the tags still on them and everything! :)
This Sunday starts our annual Missions Conference at our church. It's a pretty amazing week, but takes so much preparation and work! Each classroom is elaborately decorated as a country, and everyone gets to walk through one room per night to look around and sample some food from that country. The teachers do such a good job decorating! The fellowship hall is also decorated as a country where we eat each meal. It takes a few weeks to decorate everything.
We also have a ton of music, so we've all been practicing like crazy. Robby, Joanna, Nate and I are singing, "Thank You for Giving to the Lord" after a play one night. We spent hours practicing that and "Arise My Love" that we are singing on Sunday morning. Last night I recorded the songs on the Clavinova and we practiced with it. They are coming together. They're hard songs since we only had the music for a solo and no more parts.
On Saturday before everything starts, we are all going to San Antonio again. My Grandma and Aunt have never been there. We're going to take the boat ride and look at the Alamo, then have dinner on the River. Monday we are having a girl day, which obviously only involves shopping and eating! :)
So, that's what's going to be going on in the next week or so. We will be physically exhausted at the end, but spiritually filled and refreshed!
I'll leave you with some recent pictures!
Posted by Jenna at 9:14 AM 12 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Election '08!
Posted by Jenna at 10:09 AM 5 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Beautiful Fall...
I miss it! My whole life I have LOVED summer, but I think that's because I've lived in NY where summer was the only relief from freezing cold. Now that I'm in a much warmer climate, I miss the crisp, cool air, driving down the parkway and seeing the gorgeous reds, oranges and yellows everywhere. I miss juicy, crispy, fresh apples and apple cider. I miss the smells of fall. I can't explain it--you just know that smell!
Here, the leaves don't change until February, if they change at all. There are 2 seasons: Summer and Winter. Summer consists of 90 degree nights and 105 degree days. Winter consists of 30-40 degree nights and 60-70 degree days. Although we have had some colder days than that, that's pretty much the average. I'm definitely a flip-flop wearing, short-sleeve loving, sun worshipping, warm weather girl, but now that I have that all the time, I miss the cooler weather. I never thought I'd say that! I've been burning "Home for the holidays", a pretty Yankee Candle that hubby got for me for Christmas. I'm burning it so my house smells like the holidays since it's still pretty warm outside. I'm also making fall type foods and going to get some fall decor up around my house. If I can't enjoy it outside, at least I can on the inside of the house!
And I'm also realizing...the grass is always greener on the other side! Those of you who still live in cold NY would love my weather. And right now, I would love yours.
Wanna trade?
At least for a month or so. After that, no thanks. Those bitter cold winter days are still fresh in my mind, and I don't miss them thank you very much!
Posted by Jenna at 1:48 PM 9 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Recent Pictures...
Here are some recent pictures and things that have gone on around here in the last few weeks. Most of them are of Brookie because I'm constantly taking pictures of her as always! :)
Posted by Jenna at 11:23 PM 7 comments
Labels: pictures
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
When is Christmas???
I'm a little confused.
On approximately September 28, I'm in Macy's and I turn the corner to get onto the elevator when, boom. There is Holiday Land. 20 decorated Christmas trees, hundreds of ornaments, millions of lights, wreaths, Santa's, Nativity's.
3 months before Christmas.
I was thinking about buying some fall decorations. My friend just decorated her house for Fall. It looks so beautiful, and I was inspired! There are no fall decorations, at least in that store right now. It was 7 days after summer ended and all the Christmas decorations were up. What about Halloween? What about Thanksgiving? Why must we totally bypass one of the prettiest seasons and jump right to Christmas?
I used to think that Christmas was on December 25. Now I'm not so sure. Somebody help me out!
Posted by Jenna at 9:19 AM 6 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
True Italian
Brookie is a true Italian, especially seeing that her absolute favorite foods are pizza and macaroni (of any sort :). Here she is at the Olive Garden dipping her bread stick in Alfredo sauce. Notice when she puts it down the huge smile she gets because here comes a bite of Fettuchini Alfredo! :)
Posted by Jenna at 9:14 AM 6 comments
Labels: Food
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