
Wednesday, May 14, 2008


When I was in N.Y. I went to the Ladies Retreat at Old Paths. Although it was only a short weekend, it was packed with a lot of great devotions, free time to catch up with my friends, and really taking time to focus on where I am as a wife and a Mom.
My Mom and 3 other Pastor's wives spoke on the fruit of the Spirit. Of course I needed to hear each one again and it is sad how short I fall.
My theme here for a little while has been focusing on the good in life and everyday situations and the Lord spoke to me yet again concerning this.
It was suggested to start a blessing journal and that is what I am going to do. It will help me focus on the good that happened that day and how the Lord blessed me. It's amazing when you look back on your day and realize everything that the Lord did for you even though you definitely didn't deserve it.
I made a few commitments that weekend, but this is one that I wanted to share with you because I thought that you might want to do it too.

My blessings from today:
1)The house was spotless when I got home! What a great husband!
2) Nate bought me a new flat screen monitor for my computer for Mothers Day! What a huge surprise and something that I have been wanting for a while!
3)Although Brookie is sick, she has been really cuddly today so I've gotten to spend more time with her than normal
4)I got to take a nap today :) Any Mom's know that these are rare and treasured :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had such an encouraging time!

Victoria said...

I think people sometimes wonder why women need to get away - it's because we don't really have time to truly focus on the Lord and hear from him amid daily life with children. I am sooooo grateful to be a part of a church with Pastors who see the spiritual need women have!

Anonymous said...

WOW..Brooke was actually cuddly? That is pretty surprising!!

Anonymous said...

It was SO fun having you here. I'm glad we got to go to the ladies meeting together! Thanks for chaperoning us too! It was SO much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with what Vickie said! I was glad to see you there!

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