
Thursday, August 9, 2007

What a Week!

Playing Dress up!

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. This week has been the craziest ever of my life as I found out on Tuesday morning that I had been scammed $4,000 and my bank account was --$4000, meaning I owed the bank that much because I was given a fraudulent check. I have been to the bank, police and detectives and everyone is working to catch the person who did it (and he is still claiming it was a mistake, etc,) and it has involved a lot of time on my part! Anyway, it's been insane!

We are all getting a family picture taken tonight at Penny's so I will be able to post those when I get them in a couple weeks. We are all wearing light blue. We wore that on Sunday and everyone thought it was so cute so we decided to get our picture taken in blue and white!

I've been babysitting 2 girls from my church this week, ages 10 and 2. It's been really fun! They came on Sunday and are staying until next Sunday. I will post some pictures of us playing dress up in my wedding dress. That was fun and brought back a lot of memories!

Sorry I've been slacking off! Hopefully I will be able to post more pictures soon!

Love you all!



Anonymous said...

So glad you posted! You fit in your wedding dress you're pretty much back to skinny! You look awesome! Brookie is getting so big and looks as cute as ever. LOVE those capris! Autumn looks cute in the wedding dress. Looks like fun. Love you guys lots! Claire

Anonymous said...

You still look SOOOOO good in your wedding dress!! WOW! Brooke has gotten so big, OMG, but even cuter that ever!! I love her and miss her SOOOO much!

arielle said...

aw so cute!

Liz said...

Man, I thought you left us high in dry!! Cute pics. Love you lots. Liz

Liz said...

jen I have been waiting like forever for more pics....

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