
Thursday, January 10, 2013

My Happy Place

(Preface: This post has been in the making for close to a year, but I'm finally posting it now :)

There seems to be a lot of negativity on the internet lately about bloggers who are "too positive". It seems that those who want to portray a happy, seemingly perfect life are looked down upon for not showing the bad times on their blog as well. I am not trying to give you all the idea that we have the perfect life, and I seriously hope that no one would assume we are angelic beings! I am human, and so is my family. (I know, I know, this comes as a shock to many)
 I have bad days and I have really bad days. I argue with my husband, yell at my kids, have piles of laundry on the floor of my room and dirty dishes in my sink. I'm not trying to portray a "fake" life, only write about our happy times. If something happens to one of my kids or my husband (God forbid), the last thing I want to do is come back here and read all of my complaining about the bad days. In that case, I'll want to remember the good times and forget the bad.
 That being said, even if nothing happens to a member of my family, I still want to remember the good times. No, everything I write isn't always 100% happy, but it won't be used to complain about my current daily annoyances. I am blessed beyond measure and I just cannot bring myself to gripe about such small things when I have it so good!

One is feeding him, the other is tickling his neck. What a life.

 I want to publicly state the purpose of this blog, so that all who read it will understand where I'm coming from.
1) To keep my family updated with pictures and stories from our lives.
 (This is the reason that I started this blog, and it will always remain my #1 reason to update since we live so far apart.)
2) To have an online document of our lives to look back on someday.
 I hope that someday my children will take the time to look back and read about their lives, and even now, I look back on posts from a few years ago to see what was going on and what the kids were doing at the time.
3) To encourage anyone else who may happen to stop by and read.
 I love my readers, and while you may get a little bored with the amount of pictures and details of my children's lives that are posted, I hope that you find encouragement at some point. I've made so many great friends through blogging. You guys are awesome!
For being 3, he's pretty good at feeding his little brother.

This blog will never be a place to judge other Christian people on what or how they write or portray their lives. This world has enough negativity in it and I refuse to write posts that will drag people down and leave them feeling discouraged (unless, of course, it is about a real life tragedy asking for prayer). If you think I'm trying to give you the idea that I eat rainbows and poop butterflies, you are highly mistaken. For my own sake, this blog is my happy place to remember the amazing life God has given me and the wonderful memories made along the way.


The Skinny on Staci said...

LOL, Jenna. I feel so guilty all of a sudden. I have NEVER said anything about you to anyone, especially not on my blog, and I know you know that. But there was a point when I felt like all I was doing was arguing with my husband and my kids aren't as sweet and wonderful as they are getting older (although much bragged on out in public and still wondrous compared to others, I'm sure). I just couldn't bear to read another one of your posts. I wanted to know why I am a preacher's wife and a Christian and a SAHM yet always feel defeated and attacked by Satan and you are living the perfect life with the perfect husband and the perfect,flawless relationship, perfect kids and a perfect house with a 24/7 joyous smile and never a problem to be told. I was completely jealous and hurt and even upset with God that I couldn't have "this life." So there. The truth. I'm sure that sounds silly, but it just feels SO GOOD to read here today that you are human and you do get upset with your kids and have arguments with your spouse and sometimes have a dirty house. Shoot, even during the stomach flu posts you were overly ecstatic. Haha Which I was over my bad attitude long ago because Satan finally backed off a little bit. Blah. So in short (or long, haha), I have no idea what blogs you are referring to as being negative towards perfect people, but I really did have you pegged as one and it was hard to stomach the perfectness when I was having rough times. I'm sure jealousy is the root behind the negativity from others about other blogs, too. You read my blog, and you know I am one roller coaster and probably too honest about the fact. I tend to keep up with our happy times through picture almbumns here at home and use words in writing to express joy or disdain without much thought about it on my blog, I guess. I think your pictures are adorable and I never tire of them. Anyway, guess I just needed to dump a load off my chest since you opened the door to that! Lol Thanks for explaining today because I just really needed to hear it! :)

Christina Palma said...

I love reading your blog Jen, it's great to see your little family grow and you're always encouraging ;-) Keep it up.

Jolene said...

Well said, my friend. Always for keeping it positive and those are the blogs I'm most attracted to reading!

Rebecca said...

I love your positive, perky blog!!!! You are always so joyful and I love that! ....And I know your life isn't perfect. :)

Unknown said...

I too struggle with people who "seem" to have "perfect" lives and portray that on their blogs. Your blog is your place to write whatever you want and you DO have that right. :) I find it refreshing and encouraging to read that moms like me do have issues and do struggle. Mind you, you don't have to write out the nitty grittys about everything but it's nice to know that you are human. I think in the backs of our minds, we KNOW that you are human and struggle with stuff, it is just hard to see that sometimes through all the perfect pictures. :)

I LOVE reading your blog and you always make me write very well and it's so nice to sit down after a busy day and come read about your days as a mom and wife. Keep up the good work and remember, we don't mind hearing about your hard days!! We all have them and knowing that you can survive them is encouraging! :) Blessings! :)

Cindy said...

My 12 year old daughter, Annie, faithfully reads your blog. We often talk about how cheerful you seem and how much you love your life as a mom and wife. I'm glad your blog is positive because you are setting an example for my little girl, and i thank you for that.

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