
Friday, January 11, 2013

Healthy (Home) School Lunches

It's been a while since I shared any of our healthy packed lunches--mainly because I haven't packed lunches in a while. It wasn't practical to do when my family was here for over a month, and then we came upon the holidays. We finally started back this week and I thought I would share what the kids ate each day!

Monday: Rolled up turkey, cheese cubes, letter pretzels, apples, carrots and hummus (a special treat this week was juice boxes because they were on sale :)

Tuesday: Cheese Roll-Up on a whole wheat tortilla, veggie chips (coupon!), salad (dressing added later) and oranges

Wednesday: Bean, Cheese and Spinach quesadillas on corn tortillas, veggie chips, cucumbers and green peppers

Thursday: (Leftovers) Brown Rice and Beans with cheese, red peppers and pineapple

Friday: PB, Honey & Banana stars, cheese cubes, pretzel letters, carrot hearts (way to hard to make these, won't be doing that again!), oranges

Apparently, they liked their lunches this week.

Happy Friday! Hope you all have a great weekend!


The Skinny on Staci said...

I love those letter pretzels! What a great thing for my K5 girl! Where did you find them? We are enjoying our packed lunches very much! It is so convenient, and I never would've thought of it until you posted about it. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hmmm..carrot hearts? From Pinterest? I just pinned that one the other day. If you found it hard than it must be!! Yours looked cute though. LOVE that last picture too. Reminds me of my son, he just ADORES food. LOL!

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