
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Fun

This summer is turning out to be absolutely perfect. It's strange because normally by now, we're dashing from air conditioned space to air conditioned space and not spending much time in between unless it's at the pool. Summers in the south are like Northern winters. You hibernate until it's safe to come out into the open, once again enjoying humane temperatures and fresh air.
 This year, however, has been different, hardly even reaching the high 90's most days. While the days are still humid and muggy, the nights are cool and breezy and, well, bearable
 "Texas summers are bearable," said no one ever, until now.
 And like I said, we've had a crazy amount of rain. I'm too lazy to look up and see how much we've actually gotten, but it's been a lot. 
 When it's not raining, we've been enjoying our first summer with three kids to it's fullest. Last year I was couch-ridden with morning sickness, so I'm determined to get out and experience all that these beautiful months have to offer.

 A few weeks back, we went down town to eat and walk around, because I wanted to be all cool and city-ish.

The coolness factor went away as soon as we pulled out the stroller, carseat, diaper bag, purse that looks like a diaper bag, moby wrap just in case, and the camera bag. Oh, and 3 children.

There is something about walking around with no where to go, discovering cool walls and new places. Making a point to go somewhere to do nothing. We had the best time!

We didn't care that we weren't cool. The fact that we were walking around as a family, eating, window shopping--or should I say tent shopping-- and it was nice out? That was all we needed for a fun family Saturday night.

I read part of an article about getting kids more involved in the kitchen, with supervision of course. The next day I let them measure, dump and scoop muffins for Sunday morning breakfast.

A few days later, we made pizzas, and I lined up their toppings (to avoid topping fights of course) and let them top away. They loved it.
We've made these Mediterranean pizza's before and liked them just as much the second time around, especially with a new whole wheat crust recipe! It's not my dad's pizza's, but I'll get there. Maybe.
Last year, walks were non-existent. I was nauseous and the heat was unbearable, so I only stepped out my front door when I had to. This year we're making up for lost time!

This weekend we're taking a 3 day vacation with my in-laws. My brother-in-law is home on leave from Afghanistan, so we are excited about this time that we'll get to spend together!

 Have a great rest of your week. Happy Wednesday!


Victoria said...

So weird...we're getting the hot, dry weather. We need some of that rain! :) Glad you're getting time to enjoy your family this summer!

Mary said...

Aw look like your having such a awesome summer! Joe is looking so old :) Miss youz

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