
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

More Enjoying

Summer is here in all of it's hot and sweaty glory and we are loving every minute. Summer was always my favorite season growing up and now that I'm a Mom with a kid in school, I love it even more. Long days spent hanging out with my kids, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, sitting on the porch swing, tucking sun kissed kids with damp hair in for a nice long nap, and out at night for frozen yogurt, the park, or exploring downtown. We have picnics for lunch or dinner on the balcony, doused in bug spray and soaking in the slow pace of summer. Robby and Joanna live a minute away, the cousins are together all the time and because we're not in our own house, I have less responsibilities and more time to spend with my children. 
 We will always remember this summer, not living in our own house, but having the time of our lives.

Blogging about life is less, but enjoying life is more. Happy Summer.


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