
Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Few Things...

First of all, thanks to all of you who commented on my "Who are You" post a while ago. Wow. I can't believe how many people read it! I had several more people on facebook tell me that they read it too. I am overwhelmed!

Secondly, the "fasting week" went great. The Lord is really working in my life! I have fasted again this week at various times. I realize that my baby can feed off the fat of the land if I miss a few meals here and there. :) We've had family conference this week, and although I had to miss last night because of sickness, the other services have been challenging, convicting and encouraging all at the same time.

Thirdly, we are leaving for Florida vacation TOMORROW!!! This week has been crazy busy trying to get everything ready. At the end of a 10 day vacation, we will all be traveling to MS where my dad will be preaching a family conference for 5 days. We will all be teaching various classes and singing each evening.
This makes packing a little more difficult, as we have 5 days of church at the end of a nice warm vacation. We need swim stuff, casual stuff and church stuff too for 4 people. Cramming it all in 2 suitcases has been fun. :) We are driving there (16 hours) and flying home (long story), so please pray that my kids do good in the car. Namely, Joey!! He's not crazy about the car to begin with, so for that reason we are driving through the night, hoping the kids sleep all night. Also please pray that my husband stays awake--or uses me to keep him awake because I'm not exactly known for staying awake on road trips. :)

Well, this post has been scattered and rushed but I just wanted to check in. If I can post while we are there I will, but if not, see you when I get back with LOTS of pictures! :)


Julie said...

Solution: Wear your swim stuff to church? ;)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited!!!! I have packed mounds of stuff maybe a little to much lol:) can't wait to see you big sis <3

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