
Monday, September 21, 2015

The Underlying Peace

It's so crazy that we've surpassed the one month mark of school and are cruising right along into Fall--the holidays will be here before we know it!
 School is going really well and we are all enjoying it immensely. Homeschooling fits our family so well and we couldn't be happier that God has led us down this path. Yes, it's a lot of extra work every day for me as a Mom but the rewards of seeing my children learn, work hard and "get" a new concept far surpasses the moments of feeling overwhelmed.

If you pressed your ear to our front door and listened, it would sound chaotic and crazy--maybe even pure madness--but if you stepped inside you would feel the slow, rhythmic heartbeat of our home; the underlying peace that isn't something you necessarily hear, but something you can always feel. The best part about it is I'm feeling the peace more than ever, despite being busier than I've ever been.

We finally celebrated this one's birthday with family--a fun afternoon of swimming and relaxing on Labor day, soaking up the last day of summer.

These two get along 95% of the time. They are laughing and giggling about something almost constantly and I love watching their brother/sister relationship develop because I only had that with sisters, since my brother and I were farther apart in age. Having an even number of kids (at least for now ;) divides them into "the older two" and "the little ones" which is a fun new stage of life to be in.

I hope that while you're in the thick of Motherhood--the snotty noses, dirty diapers, the pages of homework, cooking, cleaning toilets and crying (maybe from all of you ;)--that you'll stop and feel the peaceful heart of your home that can only come from Jesus. Sometimes it seems nonexistent, but it's there, hidden under the to-do lists and full calendar. You just have to take the time to feel it, acknowledge it and thank the Lord for it!
 Happy Monday, friends! Enjoy your week!


Duane and Shellee said...

Jenna- you don't know me. Ive been following your blog for at least 2 years, maybe longer. Your littlest is about month older than mine, though I have several more than you;). I really enjoyed this post! Our life has been anything but normal the last couple of years and yet, there is more of a sense of peace about our life within me right now than ever before. Appreciate your heart for Jesus and your family, it's a refreshing blessing in the world we live in! Thank you for being an encouragement!!

P.S. We were just at your folks church last night, as we are visiting in the area for a few days! It was a blessing to be there!!

Jenna said...

Thanks so much for the sweet comment! So nice of you to follow and let me know :).

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