
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Could Have Been and God's Grace

I think every Mom has a “it could have been so much worse” moment, if not many moments through out their child’s lifetime.
 Mine happened a last week when my baby fell through the bars of an outdoor staircase from 6 feet onto concrete. It was terrifying, rocking me to my core. He could have landed on his head. He could have had severe brain injury, months of recovery or, worse, he could have died. I still get a stomach ache when I think about it, so I really don’t even go there. I can just picture the arms of God cushioning his fall when he landed mostly on his side and tummy

 The visit to Urgent Care showed that everything was fine, but a follow up visit to my pediatrician and then an orthopedist showed 3-4 foot fractures and a leg fracture. Thanks to lollipops in the office, he sat perfectly still while they wrapped his leg. My 17 month old is in a full leg cast for 4 weeks, and he is doing fine. He gets frustrated sometimes, but already today (day 3) he’s started to walk on it while holding on to something. I’m sure he’ll be up and around in no time, and I have to admit his tiny little boot over the cast is adorable. For now, we carry him from room to room and I use a stroller constantly if we are out of the house. Casts' are heavy!

I’ve cuddled him a lot more this week, staring into his bright, happy eyes thinking about what could have been. I'm more aware of his crinkly nosed smile, the gap between his 2 front teeth and the sound of his laughter. God is so good to us, and a few Doctor’s visits, “inconvenience” of a baby who needs more attention and can only have sponge baths is just a reminder of God’s grace to our family. Amazingly, he started to walk on it by day 2 and is now practically running around the house!

 We moved into our house this past weekend. The work that my husband (along with some hired help and gracious friends and family) has done over the past few weeks is incredible. My kitchen got a total makeover and I can't stop staring at how beautiful it is. I can't wait to make memories with friends and family, huddled in my kitchen eating lots of good food! I've been posting progress on Instagram, but a blog post of before and afters will come after a few finishing touches. Grandma graciously offered to take the kids for a few days and I'm taking advantage of getting as much unpacking done as I can!

 Hope you all had a great start to your week! 


Unknown said...

So thankful that he's ok! I have been wondering what happened since I saw it on IG. Praising God with you!

The Skinny on Staci said...

Oh my word. So scary. You just brought me back to the time when Tucker got away from me and toddled across a road with me running behind him screaming. I saw an oncoming car. They stopped on a dime as he kept on going, headed right towards the big lake across the street. When he finally heard my desperate scream, he stopped dead in his tracks. That car was moving along so fast. I just kept picturing one of God's angels holding out his hand and stopping that car. The person was on their cell phone and very distracted. Could've been a nightmare of a day to haunt me for the rest of my life. So glad your story "only" has a broken leg! ((hugs))

Unknown said...

Oh my...sounds so scary. My biggest fear is my stair case and Isaac gives me heart attacks constantly because he loves to throw BIG toys down the stairs. Every time I hear a toy coming down, I think it is him. Uggg. Hope your little guy is feeling better soon. What a trooper! :)

Billie Sloan said...

Soooo glad he's okay!!! I know that we mommies suffer just as much as our little people do during trials like this. We will always be attached to them... maybe not physically, but our hearts are definitely torn out of our chests when they hurt!

Mathew Triano @ US Healthworks said...

I can only imagine how frightening that experience was for your whole family, but I'm so glad that everything turned out ok. It was good that you got him checked out at urgent care and followed it up with a visit to his pediatrician just to make sure he was fine. He's a trooper!

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