
Monday, August 5, 2013

The Lake House

Friends invited us to go with them to their family lake house last week, which we were thrilled about. At the beginning of the summer we had no plans of any sort of vacation, so we’ve been so blessed this summer to have a couple of mini vacations that popped up unexpectedly. Sarah and I went with the kids for half the week, and our husbands joined us after work for the weekend. We laid around in our jammies, swam in the lake, enjoyed God’s amazing creation at a beautiful beach sunset, rented a boat and ate 48 oreos per day. Or maybe that was just me.
 As we were on the boat, wind blowing in our faces and taking in the beautiful scenery, Brookie yelled over the engine noise, “This is my best memory I ever had!”

Halfway through our boat rental, we realized we were all starving, so we navigated to a restaurant on the lake. After docking the boat and climbing up a very steep boat dock with all the kids, we walked in to a little cafe. With not a soul in sight we weren't sure if it was open, but suddenly a scruffy looking guy hurried out of the kitchen and showed us to our seats. I am not sure which was worse:
a) the fact that he was the only soul working
b) the fact that he had the worse b.o. you have ever smelled in your life
c) the fact that a random person walked in, pulled a steak knife out of the silverware cup, smeared his grimy fingers all over it while opening a hard plastic package and then stuck it back in the cup for an unsuspecting victim to use later
d) the fact that the place reeked like old grease
e) all of the above. was the best memory ever

P.S.S.....the food was good! And we didn't get sick!

When we knew we would have to live with someone for a few months until our house was ready, I never anticipated what a fun summer we would have. And while I’m not quite ready for school to start, there is a tiny itch somewhere deep inside to get back to a routine and get settled again. And I know that by the time school does start I will be very ready, but for now I’m taking in the last few weeks of summer. 


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