
Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Months

Nathan is 7 months old now...closer to age 1 than a newborn. He is my happiest baby yet. He literally sees the camera and smiles! It's hilarious and quite cute. He's still not crawling or sitting, but he's getting around and starting to get up on his knees. He also does very impressive push-ups that really look like the real thing! He's still a very big spitter, but since it's not affecting his weight at all there isn't much concern. He's eating 2-3 meals (rice cereal with a fruit or veggie) and nursing every 3-4 hours. Night stretches are 9 hours.

The day after he turned 7 months I swear he decided he was a grown up. Joe-Joe grabbed a toy from him and he screamed in protest. He has learned to defend himself as the smallest guy in our house and has quite the voice to let us know when he is not happy. It is usually quite cute. :)

He brings me such joy and I have definitely "babied" him more than the others, but he is so happy I cannot help myself!

I finally pulled out the exersaucer and he loves it. He doesn't like sitting too much and mostly just stands in it!

 Like I happy, content baby..with a little fluffy rooster head.


Katie said...

aww he looks like such a happy little boy! so cute!

Deb said...

He is such a cute content baby! Haha, love those first pics ;)

The Skinny on Staci said...

My oldest had that kind of hair. He is such a cutie! Happy 7 months!

Unknown said...

Wow! He looks so different from the other two! Very cute. Isaac is a huge spitter too but somehow he keeps packing on the pounds. Don't know HOW they do it, but they manage, don't they? Looks like you are doing a good job, momma...keep it up! :)

Amy Jo said...

Love his fluffy rooster feathers the cute little man! Im hoping to hug him before I leave.:) im so excited to be here at your church jen!

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