
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

All Things Fall

I didn't appreciate Fall until I moved to the south. I always loved it--beautiful leaves, hoodies, football, crisp air and campfires--but I didn't realize how much I would miss it until I didn't have it anymore. While my friends are boasting the cooler temperatures and the leaves changing to all shades magnificant, I'm still sweating to walk out my front door. I don't like it one bit, but regardless, we still celebrate Fall no matter what the temperature may be.
 I had a Fall party with girlfriends that was a big success and I see it happening every year from now on. I cooked soups and homemade bread and several Fall themed desserts.

We had a time of prayer since our missions conference was coming up, played games and then dipped caramel apples. I made homemade caramel, and it took a long time but it was so worth it because it tasted way better than melting caramels!

We had peanuts, mini chocolate chips and mini marshmallows to go on them--Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory WHO?!
I finally handed my camera to a friend so there was proof at my own party...thus the rather awkward picture that comes next. ;p

Every time we all get together, we wonder why we don't do it more. I guess if we did these more often they wouldn't be as special! I'm determined to have one around Christmas time as well.

Earlier this week, we headed to a pumpkin patch so the kids could get little pumpkins. We usually don't carve them, so we just let them pick out small ones for fun. Honestly, it's more for me to get pictures of the kids in the pumpkins more than anything.

After pumpkins, we headed to chill out for frozen yogurt. We totally faked that it was cold that night. It was probably 70 degrees, but for pictures and Falls sake, we put the kids in long sleeves and hats so we had to go cool off with our favorite frozen yogurt bar! At home we would have warmed up with hot apple cider and doughnuts, holding our warm cups with mittened hands. Not here!

My family has been here for the past few weeks and will be here for a few more. I couldn't be happier. My house is bustling and full of people 24 hours a day, with people piled on air mattresses and couches, and my kids on the floor in our room. It's great. We're eating too much, staying up late, sleeping in and having the best talks that only close families can understand. It really is the best way to spend this beautiful time of year.
 Happy Fall!

Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Months

Nathan is 7 months old now...closer to age 1 than a newborn. He is my happiest baby yet. He literally sees the camera and smiles! It's hilarious and quite cute. He's still not crawling or sitting, but he's getting around and starting to get up on his knees. He also does very impressive push-ups that really look like the real thing! He's still a very big spitter, but since it's not affecting his weight at all there isn't much concern. He's eating 2-3 meals (rice cereal with a fruit or veggie) and nursing every 3-4 hours. Night stretches are 9 hours.

The day after he turned 7 months I swear he decided he was a grown up. Joe-Joe grabbed a toy from him and he screamed in protest. He has learned to defend himself as the smallest guy in our house and has quite the voice to let us know when he is not happy. It is usually quite cute. :)

He brings me such joy and I have definitely "babied" him more than the others, but he is so happy I cannot help myself!

I finally pulled out the exersaucer and he loves it. He doesn't like sitting too much and mostly just stands in it!

 Like I happy, content baby..with a little fluffy rooster head.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Let the Balloon Touch the Ground

Did you ever play the game "don't let the balloon touch the ground" as a kid? It was our favorite. Now I'm playing it every day as a Mom, only they are real life balloons. One is housework, one is laundry, one is child training, one is schooling, one is cooking, music practice, meal planning, grocery shopping, daily devotions, exercise... etc, etc, etc.

 Keeping them all up in the air is a daunting task. It's a good day if I'm keeping 3 or 4 up at the same time. Most days, I'm prioritizing what needs to be done and what can wait. School can't wait, kids can't wait, hubby can't wait. No matter what, those are always my first priority.
 Sometimes, I purposely let some fall so I can pick up the neglected ones and keep those afloat for a little while. It's all about balance and finding the middle ground. Too many times I'm out of breath, arms flailing,  running like a crazy person all over the room. My constant battle is to learn what is important that day and go with it, despite the feelings of failure in other areas. The balloon might be small, wrinkly and dusty by the time I pick it up and toss it in the air again, but at least I know it won't be on the ground forever.

 Find what is important today and go with it. Sometimes there are days when I don't spend much time with the kids because I cannot stand my house looking like it does for one more minute. Other days, I'm the fun Mom and we go places and do kid stuff. I've always known that I couldn't do it all, but now I'm learning to be ok with it.

This weekend has been good. I'm preparing for family to visit, so I'm working on de-cluttering (we hated when my dad said that, and now look at me) each closet and room. This project has been going on for a few months, because, well, that's how long it takes with 3 kids who need attention every day. All 2,640 square feet of my house is never, ever clean at once. Maybe someday I'll get there, when my kids are grown and I have a lot more time, but I'll never stop trying! :)
For now, I have decided to prioritize and let some balloons touch the ground, for my own sanity. It feels good.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Dear Joseph

Hello, blog world. This post was written on my son's birthday which was September 22nd. I am finally getting around to adding pictures and posting it! Regular blogging is resuming, starting NOW!

Dear Joe Joe,

 Today you turned three. Three years old, in my opinion, is the official graduation from baby-hood to little boy. When you're two you can still be considered a baby, but not three. Tomorrow you'll go into Sunday school for your first time, because you'll be too old for the nursery. This makes Mommy a little sad but I'm excited for you and I know that you'll love it.

 your last night being 2

 This morning we woke you up very early so that you could go on your promised golfing trip with daddy. He was going with some people from work and since it was your birthday, he wanted to take you. Mommy dressed you in a cute polo and khaki shorts and you ate a doughnut for breakfast to give you a little sugar buzz to start off your special day.

Daddy and I were nervous that you would be distracting to the people trying to play golf and that you would eventually get bored and tired during some hole of the 18. However, daddy said you couldn't have been better. You had a small putter and ball that you would play with at each hole. You were quiet and well behaved and the girls loved you, as usual, and some times you went near the tree line to look at the squirrels. Mommy missed you when you were gone, but I recognize the fact that you are getting older and will be doing more with daddy now. Even though you are my little boy, the fact that you have an awesome dad that wants to spend time with you makes me so happy. Good dads are hard to find, but you are blessed with the best one out there.

 You fell asleep in the car on the way home and were sleepy when you came home, but perked right up when you got in the door. I was so happy to see you and gave you a special lunch. "I made you a 'J' out of marshmallows and chocolate," I said, and you eyes lit up. I hugged you and kissed you while you ate and at one point you put your arm around my neck, pulled my face close to yours, and kissed me on the cheek. Then you held me there, our faces touching, and I almost cried from happiness. You are the sweetest little boy I have ever met. You thrive off of hugs, kisses and extra attention, and Mommy and Daddy recognize that your love language is physical touch.

 After lunch we put you in your room for a little nap so you would be ready for your big birthday dinner later, but since you slept in the car, you of course did not fall asleep. You played and read in your room for a while and eventually came downstairs and played while Mommy finished dinner.
 Your dinner request was macaroni and cheese, hot dogs and chips, Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting, and black ice cream with nuts and marshmallows (rocky road :). There was not one green to be found on the table, a kids dream for sure! Uncle Pat and his friend Dave came to help you celebrate, and Trinity was spending the weekend with us.

 Present time was fun because we got to skype with Poppy, Nonnie and your Aunts. You also received calls from Uncle Greg and Aunt Claire and Aunt Anna who was in Romania. They loved seeing you open all of your presents and singing happy birthday to you. It was really special!

 After presents and cake we all headed outside so you could play with your new toys and go for rides on the scooter. It was hard to tell who loved your remote control truck more, you or the big boys.

Before prayer, you said you were thankful for Mommy and Daddy, Uncle Pat and your prizes. You loved your birthday and I loved making it special for you.

The main word I can think of to describe you is "zealous". You are zealous in everything that you do, and my prayer is that you will channel that for God someday and do great things for him. If not channeled right, your life could be ruined, but you could also turn the world upside down for Jesus with your zeal. Mommy prays all the time for this, and that I would help you along the way to stay in the right path with your eyes on the Lord.

 You said at bedtime that you didn't want to have a "birthday sleep", but just a regular sleep, so I kissed you and said that was fine. You are sleeping now and Mommy feels a little sad that your big day is over, because it means I have to face the fact that you are a little bit older and that the days are flying by. For now I'm just happy that you'll still cuddle with me and unashamedly give me big hugs and kisses, and that you are now my favorite three year old. Mommy loves you.

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