
Friday, October 23, 2009

One Month Old!

Loves his binky :)

My baby is already a month old! Sometimes it makes me sad that time flies so fast, but in other ways, every stage is fun and just gets better! Joey had already rolled over and is a very strong little boy, lifting his head and chest so high! He has some tummy problems, so I let him sleep on his belly which he loves. :) I know you aren't supposed to do that, but people have been doing it for 100 years, plus he is so strong I am not worried about it at all. :)

Brookie loves her little brother so much and loves to hold him. The picture of them together was this morning when they woke up. Our house is still very full of people, so I enjoy my quiet mornings with my babies when I get the chance.


Anonymous said...

They both look So old!! aww Joes eyes are getting so blue!!

Anonymous said...

aww they are so cute together! <3 I can't wait to see you guys TOMORROW!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Has it really been a month already??? WOW! Time sure flies by! It seems to drag sometimes, but does go fast. He is such a cutie!!! Brooke looks like she is a good big sister too.

Rachel Barkowski said...

He looks like he is eating well. :-) I know...I let Charlie nap on his belly, and I don't worry since he turns his head side-to-side throughout his nap. Our moms put us to sleep that way probably. :-) I'm sure it helps little Joey's belly!

Jamie Parfitt said...

I ALWAYS laid my babies on their tummies. I was afraid not to! Hard to believe it has been one month already. Did you know the Amsler's have their new little boy?

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