The past few weeks since we've moved have been a total whirlwind. When we finished moving at about 11pm Friday night, our new house was a total wreck. We didn't get to bed until about 3am (long story involving me not being able to find my fan which I have to have to sleep and strange noises in the house). I did what I could on Saturday but was totally exhausted after getting about 4 hours of sleep and had to take a nap. Nate was gone and busy most of the day, so I was on my own for the most part.
On Sunday afternoon after church, he left for training out of town and I was left with boxes strewn everywhere! Thankfully, Joanna came over and helped me out so much unpacking, organizing and decorating the downstairs.
He came home on Friday evening, and on Sunday I decided to surprise my family and go to the camp meeting in OH they were going to. I bough my ticket at about 1pm to leave the next day. Thankfully, my flight didn't leave until 3pm or so and I had time to pack. Monday morning I woke up sick with a stomach bug that took a few days to get over but was very mild.
Needless to say, my family was very surprised!!! We had an exhausting but fun week. The services were so spiritually uplifting. The singing and preaching was great! We are staying at my friend Mechel's house (Greg's sister--Claire is courting Greg). I got to see Ashley after almost 8 months of not seeing her and I got to spend the whole week with Feli since she was staying with us. I'm so glad I came!
My family left to go home this morning. It was a tearful goodbye for sure, but I'm also really excited that my Mom, Lyd and Cola are coming to visit in about a month. I'm also extremely excited about seeing Nate! It's strange to only have been with him not even 3 whole days in 2 weeks!
So...if you made it through this whole post you get a gold star. That's what's been going on! I will post pictures and video's of my trip when I get home (I have Internet now!!!).
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Just Checking In!
Posted by Jenna at 2:33 PM 4 comments
Labels: random
Monday, July 14, 2008
Our New House!
Posted by Jenna at 1:19 PM 12 comments
Labels: pictures
Friday, July 11, 2008
Oh My
We are moving today. I can't believe it! Our house looks like a couple tornado's went through it. Our family room is packed with stuff, as well as each room. We are moving into a smaller place and I don't know how we are going to fit it all! Thank goodness we have a garage and an attic! Please pray for us that everything would go smoothly. Since we could only get a moving truck today, a couple of guys are going to be helping me until Nate gets home. The we'll have some more people helping us tonight.
Here we go!
Posted by Jenna at 8:41 AM 1 comments
Labels: random
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Video of Foofer :)
Just a video of some of the things that Brooklynne is doing now!
Posted by Jenna at 4:51 PM 4 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Monday, July 7, 2008
Our Trip!
Us at Landry's, a really nice seafood restaurant. We went here on the riverwalk and had a little table near the back of the restaurant overlooking the riverwalk. It was so nice! On the Riverwalk after our meal...we were stuffed and went on a nice long walk after this. :)
Posted by Jenna at 3:07 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Selfless Motherhood
When you are getting married, you plan how you will decorate your house. You have color schemes picked out and an overall theme that matches your style. When you buy jewelry, you pick only what you love--and it has to be your style. Every one's taste's are different, but all beautiful and unique to their own personality.
Somehow, though, when you have children, your "taste's" change.
I babysit a 5 year old and a 2 year old. In their house, right in her living room, a homemade paper windmill is hanging from the ceiling. It's red, white and blue for the Fourth of July and obviously painted by a 5 year old. Under the ceiling fan in the middle of the room is a yellow, tissue paper butterfly. On the door in the kitchen are some beautiful "paintings." Not the ones that you would buy, but the ones that you love and cherish forever.
Is this how she planned on decorating her house when she got married? Probably not. In fact, the nice decorations that she does have up are very nice and coordinated. But her love for her children has redefined what she sees as beautiful and worthy of hanging up in her home.
That is selfless motherhood!
Posted by Jenna at 12:26 PM 1 comments
Labels: Motherhood
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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