
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday Weekend Post

We were supposed to close on our house this weekend, but apparently everything is backed up so it’s been pushed back another week. We are fine with that because our move in time is still about the same since the previous owners will be renting from us until the end of the month. I will admit, I’m ready to get into the house and start painting and decorating. I have about a million ideas pinned on Pinterest, but lets be realistic: I stink at decorating and my house will never be pinterest material. However, I do believe with lots of inspiration from photos and some help from friends and family I’ll be able to pull off what I really envision.
 Even though I’m ready to be in my own house, I’m soaking in the moments of less responsibility. We all pitch in and help keep the main house clean and our rooms are pretty small, so I don’t have nearly the work that I do in a normal household setting.

One thing we’ve definitely been able to focus on this summer is spending more time together. I don’t have an official “summer bucket list”, but I did have a few things in my head that I wanted to do over these hot months. One was a family trip to Six Flags. Brookie did a summer reading program called “Read to Succeed”, and her and I each received a free ticket because she completed 6 hours of reading.

We planned a day, Nate took off work, and we all headed down there.  As all Texas days are this time of year it was scorching hot and humid (which is just a kind way to say we were dripping, sticky and nasty smelling) but it’s something you get used to and thankfully the kiddie area had a great splash pad that kept it bearable throughout the day. I packed a cooler and snack bags so we didn’t spend one dime on the outrageously expensive food and drinks. The kids loved the rides and more importantly, kiddie rides don’t really have lines, so there was lots of riding and not much waiting which made the heat even more bearable. J

Our day was filled with kiddie rides--and we were totally fine with that. Things change after you have kids. Making them happy is what makes you happy, and we didn't even miss the adult rides!

We especially didn't miss these swings. Because I would never, EVER go on them, not in a million years.

As the day went on, Nate decided to get a hotel for the evening and it turned into a mini-vacation. We were thrilled. We ate out for dinner, picked up a few essentials (underwear, duh) at the store and headed to the hotel. The room had a pull out couch for the kids that we weren't expecting. They had never seen one before and loved it! At 10:00pm they were crazy and jumping all over the place because they were so excited to be there. Occasionally I would tell them to calm down, but inside I loved every minute of their sheer excitement.

Nate had some previous engagements on Saturday morning, so at 8:40 we finally woke up the kids, and Nathan woke up at 9. Sleeping until 8:30am was such a gift! We ate breakfast, and then dropped Nate off at his ministry and headed home. Family times like this are so precious and rare so when they do happen we all relish each moment.

This was supposed to be a weekend post, but I am just now publishing it. So, happy Wednesday to you all! Hope you are having a great week!


The Skinny on Staci said...

You said, "Our day was filled with kiddie rides--and we were totally fine with that. Things change after you have kids. Making them happy is what makes you happy, and we didn't even miss the adult rides!"

That is so true. One time, I got a little selfish and threw a baby fit that *I* never got to ride rides and enjoy myself at Dollywood anymore. So we all went over and everyone watched as I rode a ride. I HATED IT. Lol Turns out, I apparently have enough sense in my head now to not enjoy going 100 mph hundreds of feet in the air while hanging upsidedown. :) So back to the kiddie area it was, and that is how it shall remain! LOL

Tori Leslie said...

You have a lovely blog and family. I enjoyed riding along for your little family vaca. Glad to meet you, I'll be back!

Amy Jo said...

What a party!:) I love watching you love life with your hubby and kids Jenna:)Wish you were closer...


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