
Monday, September 15, 2008

Pastor Thompson Update

Most of you know that our Pastor has been deathly ill for a few years now with a rare genetic disease. It attacks the kidneys and liver and causes his body not to absorb any protein. So he's been "wasting" for a while now. He only weighs 110 pounds. It is truly amazing that he is still alive, but it's obvious that he is holding on for something!
He's been living a Los Cruses, NM, since January. The hospitals there can give him the specific protein medication that he needs and he has a special doctor treating his case. Here he never got care like that, so they have to stay there basically to keep him alive. He's been on and off dialysis several times now.
At this point, he has shingles which are causing him intense pain. He is totally bed ridden now, and he may shuffle to his chair in his living room once in a while. After that it's back to bed. For weeks has not been able to counsel or talk to anyone except for one of his sons. He hasn't even talked to my FIL who is the assistant Pastor. It seems clear that he is going home soon, but yet we've said that so many times.
At this point, it's hard to know what to pray. Do you pray for god to just take him home? He cannot do what he lives for and loves--preach--and he's living away from all of his family, grandchildren and church family. His wife is also going through the separation of her children and grandchildren since she is there with him. It seems that if the Lord was going to heal him he would have done it by now, but perhaps he has some purpose planned that we cannot see.

Please pray that the Holy Spirit would intercede for us as we do not know what to pray, and for us as a church without our Pastor for 8 months now and for comfort for his family.


Liz said...

We are still praying for him.. Thats so sd how little he weighs..

Anonymous said...

I cannot even imagine. I feel so bad for the family and the church. Obviously for him, too. How horrible to be so weak and sick all the time!

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