
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bumper Stickers

Across the street from my house there is a car parked with 2 bumper stickers on it. I always thought they looked a little weird but wasn't sure what they said so yesterday I stopped for a second to read them.
The first one...

"Feeling Guilty? It's because you're Catholic."

Maybe someone can help me out because I have no idea what that means.

The next one was a little disturbing.

"Lucky for you, murder is illegal."

That one I understood. Yes, in this case, I count myself lucky.


The growing Fabry Family said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog :) Suzi said it took a while for her to get to know more people on here... either way I still like to take time to blog...its sort of like a journal to me. So you say you went to FBBC?? How long ago? And what was your maiden name? Hope to hear back soon :) ~Hollie

Victoria said...

Sounds like you have an interesting neighbor.

Amy said...

Good heavens that's just alittle distrubing!! Lovely neighbors- maybe you should bake them some yummy cookies every once in awhile!!

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