
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to...LIFE

My Mom and sisters left yesterday. We had such a great time together. We went to the park, swimming (3 times!) and did way too much shopping. Or maybe I should say spent way too much money--at least I did! :) It was worth it though, and when Macys' has little girl clothes for $3-$4, you have to stock up! We ate a lot of good food and went to Culver's one night, which is a lot like Abbott's custard. Nate and I shared a carmel-pecan Sundae, the little girls got chocolate and vanilla cones, and Mom got the flavor of the day: Oreo-mint!

It was a very tearful goodbye and hard day for me after they left. I've never spent time like that with just my 2 youngest sisters, and since we were able to get so close it was hard to see them go. It's amazing that even though there are 15 and 17 years between us, we were able to get so close. (And let me just say, someday I will not like that age difference though. They will be beautiful, young, thin, cute Mom's and I will be the old fat granny!)
Anyway,I cried a lot yesterday to say the least! I don't know what I would do without my man in times like that when he just holds me as I cry and tries to comfort me in the best way that he can.

Today I'm doing much better and it's back to life. I put away my 3 baskets of laundry that have been full of folded clothes since Monday and Tuesday. I cleaned my kitchen and scrubbed my microwave and cleaned my room. Thankfully the little boy I watch is at my house today so I was able to get this all done while still watching him. Later I'm going to need to pick up some fresh fruits and veggies. We don't have any right now and I'm craving it!
Visits are good, but I do have to admit that it's nice to get into a routine again. I wish we could have visits and a routine! That would be the life! :) I wouldn't have traded this visit for anything, though. It was so great to have them here for over a week. It was one of the best weeks of my life!


Liz said...

I'm sure it was sad to see them go... but you'll see them again soon!

The Reynolds said...

I'm glad your Mom and sisters got to come see you. I know what you mean about seeing them go. For me it is hard when I come home from NY. I miss everybody so much, the church, our family, and the area. Then I have to come back to Ohio and deal with being VERY lonely and missing everyone tons! To be content in whatsoever state I am......sigh.

Julie said...

What is ideal is just living close to family. Then you never have to say good bye. Visits can be so bitter sweet, b/c you knwo they must end. I feel your pain. And like you said, thank goodness for our husbands. They can really help us get through some bad days. :)

Victoria said...

I remember living away from home our first 3 years of marriage. I felt the same way - loved the visits, hated the good-byes.

BTW - when your sisters are "young beautiful thin moms" there is no way you'll be a "fat granny" - your mom isn't! You'll always be the gorgeous older sister that they'll hope to be like (2nd to their mom, of course).

Sarah P said...

Oh what a sweet post! Makes me think of how much I would miss Samantha if she moved away! Heaven forbid! How lonely I would be :)
Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you had a good time w/ your family!

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