
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tag I'm It!

I've been tagged by Arianna to list 15 things that I'm not afraid to admit. This might take me a while, because there are alot of things that I am afraid to admit :). So here it goes!

I'm not afraid to admit that...
1) I am saved by the grace of God and going to Heaven when I die
2) That my family members are the most important people in my life
3) My husband is my best friend in the whole wide world
4) I look up to my Mom and Dad more than any other people in this whole world
5) I am not a very neat person, so I really have to work to keep my house tidy!
6) I spend too much time on Facebook!
7) I am very proud of how young I am because most of my married friends are at least 3-5 years older than me :)
8) I don't really like the state of Texas very much, but I love the people and my church!
9) I miss the snow at this time of year sooooooooo bad
10) I love getting great deals when I'm shopping (a few weeks ago I got a sweater for $2.50 at Marshalls. Also, I save about $10.00 a week grocery shopping using coupons! :)
11) I LOVE to EAT!
12) I also love to exercise--cardio and weights. I love the way I feel when I'm done!
13) I really like the smell of my Christmas tree :)
14) Pink is my favorite Color
15) I'm so excited about spending Christmas at home with my family!!!!!!


Jessie said...

I liked how you remembered to put that you were saved before any other sentence. Most people would just write as things came into their head, and the most important would be the LAST!

Well, at least you like to eat AND problem is I eat, then forget to exercise!

I love your border! It's so wintry!

Anna always tells me how much it snows in NY, and how cold it gets. If only she knew how much it DIDN'T snow in Texas...

anna said...

That's cool Jen!
Jess, Believe me, you would get tired of the snow after a while!!!!

Jessie said...

Oh, I wasn't saying I didn't think I'd get tired of snow, it's just nice to see every...(in Texas at least) 10 years or so! *laughing*

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