
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

First Grade

So moving and then starting school a week later isn’t something I would recommend, but hey, sometimes you can’t choose these things. Last week I was unpacking in between looking through my seemingly ridiculous amount of curriculum and trying to make sense of it all. After a few hours, a couple tears and a call to my Mom, it finally made sense and I was able to start lesson planning in my totally cool new planner that a friend made me.  I painted an old dresser (which I will post about later, because it was so easy, even for me!) to turn into an organized area for our supplies, made a last minute trip to the Dollar Store and Target for pencils, erasers, and a few other things that somehow added up to $120 (are you kidding me???) and we woke up Monday morning, ready for the day.
Of course as always with Motherhood and homeschooling, things didn’t go as planned and we started an hour and a half late, but you know what, that’s the beauty of homeschooling. After a rough morning, we all opened our books with good attitudes, ready to take on First Grade.

 I picked up a few pre-school books for Joe at the Dollar Store to see if he would be interested in doing them, and I honestly thought he would. I’m not for pushing kids to have formal school time before kindergarten, because that’s the beauty of being a kid—you get to play and explore with not a care in the world and I’m all about letting them be little. However, I really thought he would be ready for a little book time. 
 Um, not so much. He wasn’t even interested in drawing a row of ones. ONES! They are sticks! Nope, too boring for him. So he scribbles and colors and gets excited when he sees letters that he recognizes. Maybe I’ll try again next semester to prepare him for Kindergarten, but for now, I’m letting him be a 3 year old boy. Ehem.

We’re on day 3 of school and already completed 10 lessons, because it’s so much review and I wanted to get ahead as much as I could. Family arrives in less than 2 months and we like to party a little too much when they are here which means that we do more shopping and eating and playing than we do schoolwork, which is another beauty of homeschool. Double up when you have the time so when you don’t have the time you are free to do what you need to. And trust me, shopping at the Outlet Mall is a definite need. J


Lisa said...

Our Joe's must be similar... My Joey was so excited to start school... until he realized he'd have to sit still!

Unknown said...

I meant to ask what curriculum you use for Brookie? Do you like it? I would love to hear your thoughts. If you don't want to share publicly, you can email me at piano4praise at yahoo DOT com. :) I'd love to pick your brain. :)

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