
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love Day

I'm really bad about decorating for Valentines Day, or doing anything for it for that matter. I see all these cute ideas on pinterest for the wittiest Valentines, heart shaped desserts and pink heart banners, but for some reason it sneaks up on me every year and we never end up doing much. We do, however, make sugar cookies together and this is the second year that I've made pink heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. I love tradition--sometimes to a fault--and I'm hoping we can keep up with at least these small attempts to make love day special for my kids.

Valentine's morning. To keep things slightly on the healthy side, I used whole wheat pancake mix and honey instead of syrup. I didn't skimp on chocolate chips, though. :)

After their pancakes, I gave the 2 older kids a peanut butter heart as a special treat that they could eat right then or save for later. You'll never guess who ate right away and who saved...

Later that day, we left for our yearly couple's retreat which was incredible, but more on that later. Hope you all had a fantastic love day, whether with your lover, friends or family!


Tereza said...

I made sugar cookies with pink icing with mine too:) cute kids btw

The Skinny on Staci said...

They look like they had a lot of fun, Mommy! :) I thrive on window clings and a wreath for my decor. Simple, cheap, and yet thrilling to the kids. LOL You need to try the broken crayon heart molds with them next year. That was so fun and so easy (other than peeling the crayons).

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