
Friday, January 4, 2013

A Party & Resolutions

We rang in the New Year with family and friends, dinner, snacks, games, sparkling grape juice and lots of laughs. It was a great way to spend the last day of 2012!

His first New Years :)

2012 has been a year of new friendships for me. I love these girls!

After our countdown to midnight...

We stayed up until after 2am playing games and watching funny parts of "The Grinch". It was such a fun evening spent with people we love!

 I love me a good New Year. A chance to turn the page and start a New Chapter, no matter what the year before was like. 2012 was definitely life-changing for us. We delivered baby #3, who has been my easiest, sweetest baby yet. Nate took an amazing trip overseas and was able to visit dangerous places that hardly any Americans have gone before, leaving him with memories and stories to last a lifetime. One of my best friends was happily married to the love of her life, and the other one got engaged to her man.  Brooklynne started Kindergarten, and I became her teacher. I don't regret it one bit and it's been one of the best experiences of my life! We traveled quite a bit, mostly locally, but many memories were made.
 I completed my 366 pictures, just haven't posted them. I'll be working on a photo book of our year, so that our many memories can be printed for friends and family to see.

This year my primary physical goal is to organize my house. It looks like we'll be moving in the spring and I don't want to have unorganized piles of clutter that I don't know what to do with when I'm trying to pack. I have other goals that are spiritual, but that's my primary "other" focus right now. I'm also trying to eat cleaner than before, filling our bodies with more fresh, raw veggies than ever before. A documentary called "Hungry for Change" really helped my outlook on food. I'm thankful that my kids are good veggie and salad eaters, because it won't be a fight to add more of those things into our diets.

 Hope you all are enjoying your January so far! Happy New Year!


Mary said...

Looks like fun! I really need to come and help you with your new resolutions! :)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year! Looks like you had a great time...your baby is growing up so fast!! Hard to believe he will be one soon. :( Hope your new year is fantastic!

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