
Monday, October 15, 2012

Let the Balloon Touch the Ground

Did you ever play the game "don't let the balloon touch the ground" as a kid? It was our favorite. Now I'm playing it every day as a Mom, only they are real life balloons. One is housework, one is laundry, one is child training, one is schooling, one is cooking, music practice, meal planning, grocery shopping, daily devotions, exercise... etc, etc, etc.

 Keeping them all up in the air is a daunting task. It's a good day if I'm keeping 3 or 4 up at the same time. Most days, I'm prioritizing what needs to be done and what can wait. School can't wait, kids can't wait, hubby can't wait. No matter what, those are always my first priority.
 Sometimes, I purposely let some fall so I can pick up the neglected ones and keep those afloat for a little while. It's all about balance and finding the middle ground. Too many times I'm out of breath, arms flailing,  running like a crazy person all over the room. My constant battle is to learn what is important that day and go with it, despite the feelings of failure in other areas. The balloon might be small, wrinkly and dusty by the time I pick it up and toss it in the air again, but at least I know it won't be on the ground forever.

 Find what is important today and go with it. Sometimes there are days when I don't spend much time with the kids because I cannot stand my house looking like it does for one more minute. Other days, I'm the fun Mom and we go places and do kid stuff. I've always known that I couldn't do it all, but now I'm learning to be ok with it.

This weekend has been good. I'm preparing for family to visit, so I'm working on de-cluttering (we hated when my dad said that, and now look at me) each closet and room. This project has been going on for a few months, because, well, that's how long it takes with 3 kids who need attention every day. All 2,640 square feet of my house is never, ever clean at once. Maybe someday I'll get there, when my kids are grown and I have a lot more time, but I'll never stop trying! :)
For now, I have decided to prioritize and let some balloons touch the ground, for my own sanity. It feels good.


Mary said...

Such a good post! So glad i'm here, and can help you out :)

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