
Saturday, May 7, 2011

To Mom

Happy Mother's Day to the wonderful woman who birthed me into this world! You fed, changed, bathed, clothed, rocked, taught me how to eat macaroni, helped me learn to walk and go potty in the big girl toilet. You taught me to read, write, add, subtract, multiply and divide. You gave your best efforts to teach me that a plus b equals c even though I cried every day those first few weeks of Algebra. By example, you taught me how a wife and mother should keep her house, treat her husband, nourish her children, hold her tongue and love her Jesus. You were there when I became a Mom and at my side those first few weeks when I had no idea what I was doing with a newborn. The day I had Brookie, my love and appreciation for you grew more as we now had a special bond--we were both Mommies. I can call you anytime and you always ease my fears--whether one of the kids is sick, has a weird rash, is getting up at night, or being just plain bad, you always have the right thing to say. Not surprisingly, you are always right! You have wisdom beyond any woman I have ever known and I don't know what I would do without your quiet and gentle support in my life. I've said it before but I'll say it again: You are my hero, Mom. I love you more than you know. I rise up and call you blessed and wish you the happiest Mother's Day today!


Jamie Parfitt said...

Jenna, you are my hero for writing so admiringly of your mother. She's one of my heroes, too!

Deb said...

This was SO sweet! You are such a great writer!!

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